Trimetozine (Opalene, Trimolide, Trioxazine) is a sedative that has been marketed in Europe since 1959.[1][2] It also has mild tranquilizing effects and has been used in the treatment of anxiety.[3][4] Its mechanism of action is unclear.
| GABAA | |
| |
| H1 | |
| α2-Adrenergic | |
| 5-HT2A | |
| Melatonin | |
| Orexin | |
| Others | |
| |
| Description | |
| Disorders |
- Mental and behavioral
- Mood
- Developmental
- pervasive
- dyslexia and specific
- Substance-related
- Emotional and behavioral
- Symptoms and signs
- Evaluation and testing
| Treatment |
- Psychotherapy
- Drugs
- depression
- antipsychotics
- anxiety
- dementia
- hypnotics and sedatives
- psychostimulants, ADHD and nootropics
| 5-HT1A agonists | |
| α2δ VDCC blockers | |
| Antidepressants | |
| Sympatholytics | |
| Others | |
| |
| Description | |
| Disorders |
- Mental and behavioral
- Mood
- Developmental
- pervasive
- dyslexia and specific
- Substance-related
- Emotional and behavioral
- Symptoms and signs
- Evaluation and testing
| Treatment |
- Psychotherapy
- Drugs
- depression
- antipsychotics
- anxiety
- dementia
- hypnotics and sedatives
- psychostimulants, ADHD and nootropics