Trentepohlia aurea

Trentepohlia aurea
Scientific classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Viridiplantae
Phylum: Chlorophyta
Class: Ulvophyceae
Order: Trentepohliales
Family: Trentepohliaceae
Genus: Trentepohlia Mart.
Species: T. aurea
Binomial name
Trentepohlia aurea

Trentepohlia aurea is a green alga that grows on the trunks and branches of Monterey cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) where the tree occurs in coastal central California. The orange coloration results from carotenoid pigments in the alga cells.

Trentepohlia aurea on Monterey cypress, Morro Bay State Park

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Trentepohlia aurea.
  • Video and annotations.
  • Algae Photographs.