Treasurer of Calais

Calais was in English hands from 1347 to 1558 (see History of Calais). The task of the Treasurer, in conjunction with the Captain of Calais was keeping the defences in order, supplying victuals and paying the garrison. The Treasurer was responsible for raising revenue from the Company of the Staple of Calais, which was required to contribute towards the expenses of defence.[1]

The Treasurer was perhaps the next most important member of the Council after the Captain. He was a trusty servant of the Crown, which fostered the respect accorded to him by the garrison and officials as well as by those required to pay taxes to him, namely, merchants and burgesses. The Treasurer acted on rare occasions as the delegate of the garrison in applying for their arrears of wages. The detailed functions of the Treasurer remain unknown, but included the general supervision of the royal finances at Calais. He also was responsible for the letting of certain lands, and was empowered in conjunction with the Captain to make appointments to unoccupied posts. The Treasurer was a post of honour and several holders went on to hold great offices of state on their return to England, for example Sir Edward Wotton was nominated Administrator of the Kingdom during the minority of King Edward VI.[2]

List of Treasurers of Calais

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  1. History of Parliament, WESTON, Sir Richard (c.1465-1541), of Sutton Place, Surr.
  2. Sandeman, pp.19-20
  3. Will dated 6 July 1399, transcribed in University College MS 97, folios 170-1; McFarlane, K.B., Lancastrian Kings & Lollard Knights, Oxford, 1972, p.213, quoting: 4th Oct 1393, c.f. Cal. Patent Rolls, 1391-6, p.369, revocation of protection granted 24 Sept 1393; c.f. Cal. Close Rolls, 1392-6, p.237
  4. Grummitt, D;1406 Petition to Parliament SC 8/144/7 163 “The petitioners (including Robert Thorley described as Treasurer of Calais”) state that they were formerly discharged of their offices, leaving various sums of money unpaid, for the wages of soldiers and others. The King then re-appointed them, and they now cannot sustain the necessary expenses of these offices. They ask for reasonable payment for the sums mentioned above, and for what is due from the time when Thomas Nevylle, Lord Furnival, was Treasurer of Calais; and that a sufficient ordinance might be made for future payments, by means of an annual sum (and they give examples of reasonable sums) taken from the customs of certain ports in England”.
  5. 5.0 5.1 1406 Petition to Parliament SC 8/144/7 163
  6. Sandeman, p.25
  7. His monumental brass at Tong Church states:Here lie Sir William Vernon Kt. sometime Knight Constable of England son and heir of Sir Richard Vernon Kt. who sometime was Treasurer of Calais which Sir William indeed died 30th June in the year of Our Lord 1467
  8. Nicholls, p. xl; Nash's History of Worcestershire, vol. i. p. 85, pedigree of the family of Nanfant or Nanfan; Sir Richard Nanfant, was an early patron of Wolsey (Sandeman, p.20).
  9. Nicholls, p.xl: “mentioned in the letter of bishop Fox printed in Ellis's Original Letters, Second series, ii. 7”; He was Marshal of the Household until 1509, Letters & Papers of Henry VII, 193, p. 104
  10. Nicholls, In MS. Cotton. Vesp. F. xiii. p. 78, is a royal warrant, dated Greenwich, March 12, 1511, to sir Hugh Conway, treasurer of Calais, to pay 200^ to Thomas Deacon, to be expended in the repairs of Rysebank
  11. Nicholls, p.xl: “Holinshed, p. 1526”
  12. Nichols, p. 209
  13. Bindoff, Stanley T.(ed.), History of Parliament, House of Commons, 1509–1558, London, 1982, vol.2, pp. 31–33, "Denys, Sir Maurice", biog. by T.F.T. Baker
  14. Nichols, p.xl