Transit of Mars from Saturn

A transit of Mars across the Sun as seen from Saturn takes place when the planet Mars passes directly between the Sun and Saturn, obscuring a small part of the Sun's disc for an observer on Saturn. During a transit, Mars can be seen from Saturn as a small black disc moving across the face of the Sun.

The last transit occurred on May 17, 2008, and the next will happen on May 17, 2024.

A transit could be observed from the surface of one of Saturn's moons rather than from Saturn itself. The times and circumstances of the transits would naturally be slightly different.

The Mars-Saturn synodic period is 733.893 days. It can be calculated using the formula 1/(1/P-1/Q), where P is the sidereal orbital period of Mars (686.98 days) and Q is the orbital period of Saturn (10746.940 days).

The inclination of Mars' orbit with respect to Saturn's ecliptic is 2.36°, which is greater than its value of 1.85° with respect to Earth's ecliptic.

Transits of Mars from Saturn
October 4, 1670
March 1, 1759
July 25, 1831
July 26, 1847
December 21, 1919
December 22, 1935
May 17, 2008
May 17, 2024
August 26, 2082
October 12, 2096
January 22, 2171
March 10, 2185
June 18, 2259
August 4, 2273
November 13, 2347
April 7, 2436
May 23, 2450

See also


External links