Transit Film GmbH

Transit Film GmbH is a German company that was established in 1966 and is located in Munich. The company is owned by the Federal Republic of Germany. It was set up to handle commercial use of film documents – most of them from up to 1945 – from the Bundesfilmarchiv (Federal Film Archive), part of the German Federal Archives. Film documents include news programs produced by Deulig, Messter, Ufa, Terra Film, and Deutsche Wochenschau as well as films from the films from the library of the Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Foundation.[1]

Famous films Transit Film handles include: Metropolis, Nosferatu, Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari, Der Blaue Engel, Katz und Maus, Das Brot der frühen Jahre.


  1. "Transit Film". Wochenschau-Archiv. Retrieved February 26, 2015.

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