Transilvania International Guitar Festival

The Transilvania International Guitar Festival is a guitar festival organized by the Transilvania Guitar Association and the Municipal House of Culture Cluj-Napoca in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The Transilvania International Guitar Festival is opened to contestants of all ages and endeavours to promote professional performers and to stimulate young talents. Beginning with the fifth edition, the Festival has also hosted a chamber music contest.

Transilvania International Guitar Festival responded to the expectations of a large public – especially to the young segment – by making use of the potential of the classical guitar school from Transylvania and from other Romanian musical centers. Past Festivals have stood as a cultural monument, becoming the most important guitar festival in Transylvania.

The event reunites important names of Romanian classical guitar, with guests and contestants from several other countries. Opened entirely to the public, the Festival has three sections which cover the areas of art education:

The Festival's target public is formed by all guitar fans no matter their ages, the local public, tourists and young intellectuals, artists, professional guitar players, diplomats from the participating countries and an international audience.

Festival editions

Interesting facts

The Transilvania International Guitar Festival was formerly known as the National and then International Festival of Classical Guitar.

In 2006, the festival grew into the Transilvania International Guitar Festival.

Notable names to appear at the Festival

History of the Festival

The Festival was created in 2003 at the initiative of Prof. Constantin Andrei and the Municipal House of Culture Cluj-Napoca.

"Organized by the Municipal House of Culture and the Municipal Council of Cluj-Napoca, in our city took place during 24-26th of October National Festival of Classical Guitar.

The manifestation's director was Prof. Maria Florescu and the artistic director was Prof. Constantin Andrei and it reunited 20 contestants representing the musical centers of the country.

After two days, the jury, presided by Prof. Dumitru Capoianu and including Prof. Constantin Andrei, Maria Florescu, Valeriu Maior and Aurelian Andrei, awarded the contestants as follows: First Prize - Ionut Zamfirescu (Bucharest); Second Prize - Stan Zamfirescu (Bucharest); Third Prize - Daniel Castravete (Craiova); Special Prize - Anna Tunde Virginas (Targu Mureş); Mentions - Lucian Naste (Targu Mureş) and Anna Tunde Virginas (Targu Mureş).

The Festival was completed by the guitar recital performed by the valuable ensemble Trio Andrei, formed by Constantin, Aurelian and Adrian Andrei brothers, who delighted us as ever with their concert performance."

- M. Bocu, "Adevarul de Cluj" Newspaper, 2003

Starting with the third edition, in 2005, the festival addresses to contestants of all ages, proposing to stimulate young talents also, at the initiative of Stefan Trifan, the Transilvania Guitar Association's vice-president.

In 2006, at the fourth edition, the Transilvania Guitar Association becomes the main organizer of the festival that grows into Transilvania International Guitar Festival. The Transilvania Guitar Association brought innovative ideas for the festival, like competition for young guitarists, conferences, instruments exhibition and, in 2007, the chamber music competition.

Current Festival staff

External links