Train Advise Assist Command – South

Train Advise Assist Command – South
(TAAC – South)
Role Training
Garrison/HQ Kandahar Airfield
Website TAAC – South
Brig. Gen. Viet X. Luong (USA)

Train Advise Assist Command – South (TAAC – South) is a multinational military formation, part of NATO's Resolute Support Mission within Afghanistan. It is the former Regional Command South of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF).

It is responsible for provincial reconstruction and security in Zabul, Kandahar, Daykundi, and Uruzgan Province. Its primary Afghan National Army partner is the 205th Corps. NATO countries contributing troops are Albania, Canada, France, Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Non-NATO countries contributing troops are Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore.



A U.S. Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon taxis onto the ramp at Kandahar International Airport in 2012.

The command of the region previously rotated between Canada, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, but has most recently been assumed solely by the United States. The headquarters is located at Kandahar International Airport next to the city of Kandahar. In 2010, the command's original territory was split into two commands, with the new Regional Command Southwest headquartered in Helmand Province.[1]

Major Units

Workers placing arched steel that will form the roof and walls for an arch-span structure in Tarin Kowt, Uruzgan Province.

Provincial Reconstruction Teams

Three Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) operate in Regional Command South: Kandahar PRT, Kandahar province, led by the United States; Qalat PRT, Zabul province, led by the U.S. and supported by Romania and the U.K.; and Tarin Kot PRT, Uruzgan province, led by Australia.[6]

Current use


Major units

See also


External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Train Advise Assist Command – South.

Official website