Traditional leaders in Zimbabwe

Traditional Leaders of Zimbabwe

CHIEF Surname, Forename Totem SYNONYMS DoB ID No DISTRICT PROVINCE Status Date Installed
Bakwayi Sithole, Stanley Matobo District Matabeleland South Substantive 04/09/2006
Banga Toendepi, Lameck 09/11/1939 63-293335C66 Shurugwi District Midlands Substantive 09/02/2001
Bango Dube, Godin 02/02/1959 45-027239A56 Bulilimamangwe District Matabeleland South Substantive 02/10/2006
Bankwe Sibanda, Silinga Bangwe 05/05/1924 08-093466V03 Mberengwa District Midlands Substantive 22/06/1998
Benhura Zhangazha, P Agakapito Kadoma District Mashonaland West Acting 08/11/2010
Bepura Bepura, Kenneth Silas 11/07/1945 63-364849K71 Guruve District Mashonaland Central Substantive 20/03/2006
Bidi Matobo District Matabeleland South Vacant
Binga Muleya, Gasita Binga District Matabeleland North Substantive 21/12/1999
Bota Mugabe, Chiyo Zaka District Masvingo Substantive 05/02/2004
Budzi Dziyakwe, Gwinyai Bidzi 14/03/1926 04-030043F07 Bikita District Masvingo Substantive 23/11/2011
Bunina Mkoba, Stephen Gweru District Midlands Substantive 08/10/2007
Bushu Bushu, Show 19/05/1939 68-027536Y68 Shamva District Mashonaland Central Substantive 22/03/1999
Bvute Siziba, Nkatazo 30/12/1930 08-150288H03 Mberengwa District Midlands Substantive 24/01/1984
Chamutsa Muchini, Erija 03/11/1982 07-127292F07 Buhera District Manicaland Acting 16/05/2011
Chapoto Chapoto, Peter Enock 01/02/1948 63-174559Y71 Guruve District Mashonaland East Substantive 07/11/2005
Charewa Charehwa Mutoko District Mashonaland East Vacant
Charumbira Charumbira,Fortune Zephania 10/06/1962 22-105044W22 Masvingo District Masvingo Substantive 24/05/2000
Chiduku Mbaimbai, Rivai Chiduke 23/06/1949 63-405503Z07 Makoni District Manicaland Substantive 22/03/2000
Chihota Chigodora, Frederick Mapfumo 18/04/1938 63-403894A43 Marondera District Mashonaland East Substantive 03/12/2007
Chikore Mushamba, Denis Makoni District Manicaland Substantive 20/05/1997
Chikukwa Chikukwa, Chardworth Chimanimani District Manicaland Substantive 27/10/2003
Chikwaka Chigeramasambe, Kimpton Goromonzi District Mashonaland East Acting 08/12/2010
Chikwanda Chikwanda, Kadiwa 02/10/1932 22-032865Q22 Masvingo District Masvingo Substantive 04/03/2005
Chikwizo Mawonera, Peter 01/02/1969 63-584216C48 Mudzi District Mashonaland East Substantive 20/02/2006
Chimombe Manyuwa, Causemore Buhera District Manicaland Acting 09/09/2011
Chimombe Rutsate, Rutsate 12/03/1923 27-045080A27 Gutu District Masvingo Substantive 23/04/2007
Chimoyo Zambezi, Jeremiah 08/10/1968 48-050534Q48 Mutoko District Mashonaland East Substantive 01/09/2008
Chimukoko Chimukoko, Ottilia Mudzi District Mashonaland East Substantive 21/08/1978
Chinamhora Chidziva, Simon Chinamano Goromonzi District Mashonaland East Substantive 15/06/2000
Chingoma Dziva, Amon Mberengwa District Midlands Acting 16/05/2011
Chinyerere Kafura, Shine Uzumba -Maramba-Pfungwe District Mashonaland East Acting 07/06/2010
Chipfuyamiti Zimonte, Tichafa 16/10/1945 47-021333T47 Uzumba-Maramba-Pfungwe District Mashonaland East Substantive 18/06/2009
Chipunza Mukonyera, Fungai 27/04/1978 42-201836K42 Makoni District Manicaland Substantive 26/04/1991
Chipuriro Mashiki, Clever 12/12/1944 71-002211Q71 Guruve District Mashonaland Central Substantive 08-15-16(sic)
Chirau Dzvakakuyambwa, Tinashe 22/10/1980 86-011280W86 Zvimba District Mashonaland West Acting 15/08/2011
Chireya Chidzivo, Henry 05/01/1973 26-081793Z26 Gokwe North Midlands Substantive 09/02/2005
Chirinda Chikono, Joshua Chinhanga,Joshua 07/04/1951 63-092067H47 Uzumba-Maramba-Pfungwe District Mashonaland East Substantive 26/05/2009
Chirumanzu Mudzengi, Gerald Chirumhanzu District Midlands Substantive 04/03/2005
Chisunga Chisunga, Daster 03/03/1971 70-076884A71 Guruve District Mashonaland Central Substantive 21/10/2004
Chiswiti Kanzou, Short Chiwiti 16/05/1970 45-053507C45 Mount Darwin District Mashonaland Central Substantive 28/12/2010
Chitanga Chauke, Felani 11/07/1975 24-090186J26 Mwenzi District Masvingo Substantive 29/06/1905
Chitsa Chibvongodze, Hatidani Gutu District Masvingo Substantive 19/02/2002
Chitsunge Gunguwo, Magaya 06/06/1928 07-015365W07 Buhera District Manicaland Substantive 11/12/2006
Chitsungo Guruve District Mashonaland Central Vacant
Chitsungo Kafura, Chitsingo Mosted Uzumba-Maramba-Pfungwe District Mashonaland East Substantive 13/12/1995
Chivero Shopo, Brown Shoko, Brown 12/06/1953 08-054051C32 Chegutu District Mashonaland West Acting 08/11/2010
Chivese Makambe, Thomas Mashoko 11/05/1960 13-063787S18 Chikomba District Mashonaland East Substantive 18/05/2009
Chivi Sundire, Chimba Chibi Chivi District Masvingo Substantive 07/06/2010
Chiwara Gutu District Masvingo Vacant
Chiweshe Chigariro, Joseph Mazowe District Mashonaland Central Substantive ?/10/05
Chiweshe Chitemamuswe, Mathew M Muzarabani District Mashonaland Central Substantive 28/05/1996
Chiwundura Tavengwa, Zebediah D Chivundura; Chiundura;Chinundura Gweru District Midlands Acting 15/08/2011
Chizungu Tshuma, Mfazoyabo Chinzungu;Nzungu Mberengwa District Midlands Substantive 24/01/1984
Chundu Chundu, Picky ???Bereu, Picture 11/11/1968 70-129777S38 Hurungwe District Mashonaland West Acting 24/07/2008
Dakamela Dakamela, Hleziphi Myinga Nkayi District Matabeleland North no data
Dandawa Manyepa, F Dandawa, Manyepa; Happy Dandawa 05/05/1974 Hurungwe District Mashonaland West Substantive 10/03/1998
Deli Mabhena, Asher Mabhena 22/08/1960 73-000114Z73 Umguza District Matabeleland North Substantive 04/03/1996
Dendera Dendera, Noah Kerechani 15/02/1931 63-469789A38 Hurungwe District Mashonaland West Substantive 20/12/1984
Dingani Dingani, Boy Joseph 02/09/1943 79-011357J79 Hwange District Matabeleland North Substantive 22/09/1999
Dobola Muleya, Themba Dabola Binga District Matabeleland North Substantive 03/12/1999
Dotito Manyika, Sirako 13/04/1929 45-032105P45 Mount Darwin District Mashonaland Central Substantive 02/03/1999
Fish Gwebu Gwebu, Gabarones 24/04/1945 08-182210F07 Buhera District Manicaland Substantive 20/02/2006
Gahadza wa-Svosve Zenda, Lovemore C Marondera District Mashonaland East Acting 09/02/2005
Gambiza Sami, Freddy 08/08/1953 08-088044B29 Gweru District Midlands Substantive 18/02/2002
Gambo III Sithole, Ashel Gambo;Gampo 04/10/1966 08-422593R73 Tsholotsho District Matabeleland South Substantive 23/09/2002
Gampu Vusumuzi Nicodemus Mabhikwa
Garahwa Hliziyo, Tobias Marega Garawa; Garawe 19/03/1951 13-070662Q13 Chipinge District Manicaland Substantive 07/09/1990
Gobo Machona, Clever Govo Kwekwe District Midlands Substantive 27/02/2003
Goronga Mpatiseni, Tickey Gorongo; Gorongoa; Mudzi District Mashonaland East Substantive 27/06/1996
Gudo Kanukai, Mavivi Chiredzi District Masvingo Acting 08/11/2010
Gutu Masanganise, Anos Kasirayi 16/05/1926 27-038678R27 Gutu District Masvingo Substantive 02/04/2009
Gwenzi Gwenzi, Daniel Chipinge District Manicaland Substantive 22/10/2004
Gwesela Kwekwe District Midlands vacant
Hama Zishiri, Joseph Mativenga Chirumhanzu District Midlands Substantive 14/02/1991
Hata Magaso, Joseph 13/05/1954 75-105034F34 Nyanga District Manicaland Substantive 20/02/2006
Hobodo Ncube, Simon Thela Mangwe District Matabeleland South Substantive 23/07/2007
Hwata Musemwa, Maxwell Muzarabani District Mashonaland East Substantive 03/02/1972
Jahana Khumalo, Solomon Insiza/Filabusi Midlands Substantive 21/09/1965
Jiri Moyo, Chipo Gokwe South Midlands Substantive 16/05/2011
Kandana Magutshwa, Michael 11/06/1952 63-173186F39 Bulilima District Matabeleland South Substantive 26/04/2007
Kandeya Mawande, Zabron 22/04/1927 45-002498H45 Mount Darwin District Mashonaland Central Substantive 15/08/1994
Kasekete Mutinhima, Faxwell Kasekete,Changara 07/07/1956 68-016654V45 Muzarabani District Mashonaland East Substantive 08/12/2004
Katerera Chifodya, Matambo Katerere 25/12/1925 63-207454D34 Nyanga District Manicaland Substantive 19/03/1993
Kavula Kavula, Mukusi N Binga District Matebeleland North Substantive 01/02/1984
Kazangarara Maendaenda, Obiri Peter Kazangarare 02/12/1932 38-014269G38 Hurungwe District Mashonaland West Substantive 31/08/1983
Mabhena Mabhena, Sinqobile Deli Umzingwane District Matabeleland South Substantive 21/12/1996
Mabigwa Khumalo, Vusumuzi Nicodemus Mabikwa; Mabhikwa Khumalo Lupane District Matabeleland North Substantive 19/09/2011
Mabika Mabika, Tafiranido Mabika, Jermitius 20/09/1940 Bikita District Masvingo Substantive 07-04-89
Madhlambudzi Ncube, Patrick 06/12/1966 56-019911G56 Bulilima District Matabeleland South Substantive 23/04/2007
Madhliwa Khumalo, Timothy K Mandliwa;Mladliwa;Madhliwa Nkayi District Matabeleland North Substantive 21/11/1964
Madhuna Madhuna, Vezi Vezi;Vezi Maduna; Mafu, Vezi Madhuna 12/03/1938 08-353629F21 Insiza District Matabeleland South Substantive 27/08/1974
Madziwa Gatsi, Elijah Madziva 14/08/1943 68-007500V68 Shamva District Mashonaland Central Acting 26/05/2009
Mafala Matshazi, Jongilizwe 25/10/1964 67-042366L67 Zvishavane District Midlands Substantive 04/09/1990
Magama Hadebe, Conrad Lucky Magama Tsholotsho District Matebeleland North Substantive 28/08/2002
Mahenye Jojo, Thomas 10/07/1987 13-191948Y13 Chipinge District Manicaland Substantive
Mahlathini Jiyane, Edward Nkalivema 23/09/1931 73-002067X73 Tsholotsho District Matebeleland North Substantive 02/11/2011
Mahlebadza Damba, Phelile Matyebadza;Mhlebadza Mberengwa District Midlands Substantive 23/02/2012
Makoni Nyahada, Mark Manson Muswati 11/09/1960 42-057791P42 Makoni District Manicaland Acting 09/09/2011
Makope Kuvataiya, M J Nyamakope Mazowe District Mashonaland Central Substantive 12/12/1984
Makore Makore, Phenias 13/03/1963 27-049150Z27 Gutu District Masvingo Substantive 14/04/2011
Makumbe Buhera District Manicaland Substantive
Makuni Muzika, Nicholas 07/04/1967 61-017499S61 Rushinga District Mashonaland Central Substantive 04/05/1989
Malaba Ncube, Christopher Malaba, David Christopher Ncube 02/02/1938 Matobo District Matabeleland South Substantive 13/08/1988
Malisa Moyo, Cyprian Malisa,Cyprian;Malisa, Crispen Kwekwe District Midlands Substantive 27/06/1990
Mangwende Chibanda, Tafirenyika John 10/03/1936 47-000254G47 Murehwa District Mashonaland East Substantive 01/03/1969
Mapanzure Masvingo District Masvingo Vacant
Mapanzure Shonhayi, Chimhofu Albert Zvishavane District Midlands Acting 31/03/2006
Mapiravana Madewareba, Rungano Mapirabana Mberengwa District Midlands Substantive 29/11/1995
Mapungwana Mapungwana, Anias 27/10/1966 13-043617T13 Chipinge District Manicaland Substantive 08/10/2007
Maranda Ngwenya, Josephat Mwenezi District Masvingo Substantive 29/10/2007
Marange Marange, Gilbert Murange 14/06/1972 75-279060P75 Mutare District Manicaland Acting 05/07/2010
Marozva Mudhe, Joseph Marizva Bikita District Masvingo Substantive 06/12/2006
Marupi Nare, Oteng Murapi 25/05/1965 28-012983T28 Gwanda District Matabeleland South Substantive 09/09/2011
Masembura Nhapi, Amon Masemburu 01/07/1950 63-037460C05 Bindura District Mashonaland Central Substantive 20/02/2006
Masendu Dube, Sindilizwe 15/04/1960 08-281241Y56 Bulilimamangwe District Matabeleland South Substantive 23/04/2007
Mashayamombe Chiketa, Ignatius Stephen Mashava;Mashavamombe;Kanengoni, Ignatious Chiketa 28/07/1935 63-233693Z24 Chegutu District Mashonaland West Substantive 28/03/2007
Masuku Masuku, Mbiko Masuka; Masuku, Malaki;Maliki 23/08/1969 28-034282V28 Gwanda District Matabeleland South Substantive 10/09/1998
Masunda Hungwe, Simon 11/11/1951 67-030136S67 Zvishavane District Midlands Acting 28/02/2012
Mataga Nkomo, Malaini Mataka; Matanga 02/07/1940 14-043853G03 Mberengwa District Midlands Substantive 19/11/2007
Mataruse/Muchembere Hove, John Bera Bhera-Mataruse, John 11/05/1920 27-050234C27 Mberengwa District Midlands Substantive 04/03/2005
Mathe Mathe, Leonard 10/02/1947 53-084568R19 Umzingwane District Matabeleland South Substantive 18/02/2008
Mathe Ncube, Ketso Mate;Mathema;Matema 16/12/1958 28-011497D28 Gwanda District Matabeleland South Substantive 07/05/1990
Mathema Mathema, Khulumani 14/10/1971 73-030101T28 Gwanda District Matabeleland South Substantive 31/03/2006
Matibe Mbedzi, Elisha Mathibe Beitbridge District Matabeleland South Substantive 09/09/2011
Matope Kapfava, Petros Mount Darwin District Mashonaland Central Substantive 07/06/2010
Matsiwo Guruve District Mashonaland Central Vacant
Matupula Khumalo, Mandlakuzulu Matapula; Mathuphula; Mutupula Tsholotsho District Matabeleland North Substantive 09/09/2011
Mawarire Mamhanje, Vengo Mwenezi District Masvingo Substantive 06/05/2003
Mayenga Fuyana, Ngwenyama Matobo District Matabeleland South Substantive 17/07/2007
Mazetese Tapera, Finga Maranda;Marande;Chitanda;Chitanga;Mazetese 16/11/1939 54-011057V54 Mwenezi District Masvingo Substantive 23/07/1996
Mazivofa Hove, Koda Joshua Maiofa; Maziofa 12/01/1940 79-046493A03 Mberengwa District Midlands Substantive 01/10/2005
Mazungunye Mazungunye, Lazarus Maipisi Maipisi, Lazarus 30/05/1938 63-091502T04 Bikita District Masvingo Substantive 07/01/1992
Mazvihwa Zvishavane District Midlands Vacant
Menyeza Gumede, Johnson Menezwa;Meneza;Manyezwa 06/12/1962 08-284953H41 Lupane District Matabeleland North Substantive 02/11/1989
Mketi Ngwenya, Bayayi Muketi; Mketi; Nketi; 12/04/1928 54-008843N54 Mberengwa District Midlands Substantive 24/02/2012
Mkoka Nkomo, Doubt Mkoba;Mukoka;Moka 24/01/1985 23-059876G23 Gokwe South Midlands Acting 02/11/2011
Mkota Jigu, Solomon Mukota;Makota 18/04/1964 63-446965R49 Mudzi District Mashonaland East Acting 09/09/2011
Mola Rare, Champion 25/02/1954 38-001038A37 Kariba District Mashonaland West Substantive 29/05/1997
Mpini Ndiweni, Jabulani Maini;Mupini;Mphini 13/06/1905 Bulilimamangwe District Matabeleland South Substantive 24/07/2008
Mposi Muposi Mberengwa District Midlands Vacant
Mtonzima/Gwebu Gwebu, Stanley 24/11/1955 63-609575R19 Umzingwane District Matabeleland South Substantive 09/07/2007
Mtshane Khumalo, Mtshane Mtshana 13/05/1942 35-000066Z35 Bubi District Matabeleland North Substantive 02/11/1989
Mudavanhu Madavanhu Mberengwa District Midlands vacant
Mudzimurema Mchenje, Patrick Mudzimire;Mudzimuirema;Mudzimirema 20/10/1933 43-023090C43 Marondera District Mashonaland East Substantive 24/10/1985
Mugabe Mudavanhu, Matubede 04/07/1977 22-165168Y22 Masvingo District Masvingo Acting
Mujinga Mudanhairwa, Mutenhe Mjinga 17/07/1951 38-034068C38 Hurungwe District Mashonaland West Substantive 08/10/2007
Mukanganwi Gobo, Chinhanho Mkanganwi Bikita District Masvingo Substantive 24/02/2000
Munyaradzi Gutu District Masvingo Substantive
Munyikwa Kubiku, Sanangurai Gutu District Masvingo Substantive 27/03/2006
Mupungu Mpungu Chipinge District Manicaland Vacant 01/06/2006
Murambwa Chabu, Claver Marambwa Kadoma District Mashonaland West Substantive 27/06/1905
Murinye Munodawafa, Ephias Murinye, Nyoka Masvingo District Masvingo Substantive 05/10/2009
Murove Machere, Zivengwa 25/12/1932 54-026092M54 Mwenezi District Masvingo Substantive 13/11/2001
Musampakaruma Chabwededza, J Msambakaruma;Sampakaruma Kariba District Mashonaland West Substantive 28/10/1981
Musana Nyarumwe, Joel Msana;Musanhu;Musava 11/11/1942 63-073442N05 Bindura District Mashonaland Central Substantive 20/02/2006
Musarurwa Musakwa, Enos Masarurwa 27/02/1970 63-593191H18 Chikomba District Mashonaland East Substantive 31/08/2005
Mushava Machokoto, Elijah Kadoma District Mashonaland West Substantive 27/03/2006
Musikavanhu Musikavanhu, Vusani Mutemebvi 24/03/1964 13-017617H13 Chipinge District Manicaland Substantive 02/06/2009
Mutambara Mutambara, John Godfrey 26/12/1936 63-632724D44 Chimanimani District Manicaland Substantive 02/11/2011
Mutasa Mutasa, Misheck Pasi Mutasa District Manicaland Substantive 25/06/2004
Mutekedza Zhakata, Andrew Shava - Museyamwa (Eland) Mutekedze;Mtekedza Chikomba District Mashonaland East Substantive 29/06/1995
Mutema Sonani, Philemon Matema;Mtema; Chipinge District Manicaland Substantive 12/09/1995
Mutoko Gurupira, Michael Mtoko Mutoko District Mashonaland East Acting 09/09/2011
Mutubaidze Moyo, Frank Mberengwa District Midlands Substantive 08/03/2010
Mutumba Mandaza, Marufu Mtumba Shamva District Mashonaland Central Substantive 19/05/1989
Muusha Muusha, Willie Musha 25/11/1928 44-034620R44 Chimanimani District Manicaland Substantive 18/02/2008
Mvutu Mvuthu Hwange District Matabeleland North no data
Ndanga Musavengana, Christmas 25/12/1932 58-007865B66 Shurugwi District Midlands Substantive 20/05/1998
Ndanga Charinda, Simon Ndanga, C M Zaka District Masvingo Substantive 08/03/2010
Ndima Murombo, Tizirepi Chimanimani District Manicaland Substantive 08/11/1993
Ndondo Ndondo, Neville Umguza District Matabeleland North Substantive 05/07/2010
Ndube Sibanda, Nonhlanhla 14/02/1985 21-046522D21 Insiza District Matabeleland South Substantive 09/07/2007
Nebiri Nebiri, Wilson Chinembiri 30/06/1956 49 000446 D 37 Kariba District Mashonaland West Substantive 06/07/2006
Nechombo Nyamukondiwa, Ngoni Mutoko District Mashonaland East Acting 02/11/2011
Negande Mpofu, K Makande Kariba District Mashonaland West Substantive 17/07/1997
Negari Tinofirei, Vunganai 14/07/1938 54-005038C54 Mwenezi District Masvingo Substantive 07/12/2006
Negomo Chibvongodze, Lucius 13/10/1974 05-057252M68 Mazowe District Mashonaland Central Acting 07/06/2010
Negove Moyo, Munyungati 06/06/1921 03-030987A03 Mberengwa District Midlands Substantive 26/05/2009
Nekatambe Ncube, Charles Nyakatambe 08/07/1972 79-040849Q79 Hwange District Matabeleland North Substantive 15/08/2011
Nemakonde Mhende, W Jimani Magonde; Nemakonde Wilson Jimani 15/06/1937 29-071831Q70 Makonde District Mashonaland West Substantive 09/01/1985
Nemangwe Musongo, Elijah Nema;Semangwe; Nenangwe;Nevangwe Gokwe South Midlands Substantive 17/12/2001
Nematombo Shiridzinodya, Ben Chinematombo 11/11/1952 38-023734V38 Hurungwe District Mashonaland West Acting 07/12/2006
Nemauzhe Pamburayi, Jestiya Mauzhe;Nemaushe;Nemuzhe Chivi District Masvingo Acting 07/05/2012
Nembire Nembire, Clemence Nyabvudzi, Clemence 17/05/1966 Mount Darwin District Mashonaland Central Substantive 31/08/2004
Nenguwo Chagaresango, Cephas Zingai 15/05/1943 63-429660G43 Marondera District Mashonaland East Substantive 18/06/2009
Nenyunka Msindo, Mwanga Nenyunda;Nenyanga;Nenyunga Gokwe North Midlands Substantive 06/01/2004
Nerutanga Donhwe, Elias Norutanga Buhera District Manicaland Acting 05/10/2009
Neshangwe Dangwa, Elisha Marufu Chikomba District Mashonaland East Substantive 16/09/2003
Neshuro Gudo, Rodwell 02/09/1977 54-067028H54 Mwenezi District Masvingo Substantive 18/02/2008
Neuso Mudzimiri, Titos Kadoma District Mashonaland West Substantive 06/07/2006
Ngezi Machipisa, Barnabas 15/06/1947 63-433656A32 Chegutu District Mashonaland West Acting 07/05/2008
Ngorima Ngorima, Aaron Hondo 02/08/1965 44-040476G44 Chimanimani District Manicaland Acting 05/07/2010
Ngungumbane Nugungumbane, Zamuntha Mkwananzi, Zamanthua 16/03/1974 Mberengwa District Midlands Substantive 08/05/2006
Nhema Daidai, Gilbert Shurugwi District Midlands Acting 08/03/2010
Nhema Bwawanda, Ranganai 07/10/1980 83-117651X83 Zaka District Masvingo Substantive 14/03/2011
Nherera Masvisvi, Mutizwa Mutizwa, Nherera, Chegutu District Mashonaland West Substantive 21/11/2002
Nhlamba Ndlovu, Dennis Nhwamba;Nhlanga Gwanda District Matabeleland South Substantive 07/06/2010
Njelele Njelele, Misheck 09/08/1960 58-023842S26 Gokwe South Midlands Substantive 04/03/2005
Nkalakatha Ndiweni, Gilford 08/05/1965 08-325455G53 Nkayi District Matabeleland North Substantive 11/12/1986
Ntabeni Ntabeni, Milton 23/09/1951 58-036763M58 Kwekwe District Midlands Substantive 12/04/1996
Nyahuye wa svosve Zvenyika, Weston 12/06/1986 07-168026G07 Hwedza District Mashonaland East Substantive 10/07/2008
Nyajena Mapfekera, Tadu Masvingo District Masvingo Substantive 15/11/2004
Nyajina Nyajina Uzumba-Maramba-Pfungwe District Mashonaland East vacant
Nyakuchena Bvunzawabaya, Pera 01/06/1934 63-255883T49 Mudzi District Mashonaland East Substantive 21/11/1981
Nyakunhuwa Mashavave, Jerera Wafa Nyukunhuwa;Nyakunhuhwa 26/12/1959 14-062315Z83 Zaka District Masvingo Substantive 07/12/2006
Nyakusengwa Chimunya, Moffat 28/02/1974 61-031311F61 Rushinga District Mashonaland Central Acting 15/05/2011
Nyamandi Mambayo, Elias Gutu District Masvingo Acting 08/03/2010
Nyamaropa Ndivangi, Enock Shamva District Mashonaland Central Substantive 31/08/2004
Nyamhunga Chinehasha, Boniface 04/11/1949 70-197410G38 Hurungwe District Mashonaland West Substantive 23/12/2005
Nyamondo Gore, Runesu Solomon 15/07/1920 67-058107W03 Mberengwa District Midlands Substantive 08/03/2010
Nyamukoho Katsande, Samson Nyamukohwo 13/06/1932 48-008627P48 Mudzi District Mashonaland East Substantive 23/07/2001
Nyamweda Mandaza, Claudius 17/11/1957 63-546680C32 Chegutu District Mashonaland West Substantive 13/03/2006
Nyandoro Nyandoro, Richness Marondera District Mashonaland East Acting 25/04/2012
Nyangazonke/Mabuyana Ndiweni, Vuyane Ngangazonke 29/12/1969 08-547686M39 Matobo District Matabeleland South Substantive 11/12/2006
Nyashanu Kangenga, Rugare Chemwi Shava - Museyamwa (Eland) Buhera District Manicaland Substantive 08/01/1986
Nyika Marere, Topaya 16/09/1938 32-032023Q32 Kadoma District Mashonaland West Substantive 30/08/1994
Nyoka Muringani, Cyprian Tazvivinga Shava - Museyamwa (Eland) 02/08/1931 18-018171S18 Chikomba District Mashonaland East Substantive 31/08/2005
Nzula Masuku, Malaki Matobo District Matabeleland South Substantive 08/08/1991
Pashu Nyathi, George Binga District Matabeleland North Substantive 02/11/2011
Rusambo Kangora, Gladmore 01/12/1955 15-025050A61 Rushinga District Mashonaland Central Acting 19/04/2000
Rusike Mashave, Aaron M Goromonzi District Mashonaland East Substantive 26/01/1996
Ruya Chihata, Amon 19/11/1968 58-122709G58 Kwekwe District Midlands Acting 02/11/2011
Ruzane Ruzane, Lesley Chinembiri 24/11/1980 42-167983N80 Hwedza District Mashonaland East Substantive 17/05/1993
Rwizi Mude, Francis 09/09/1949 32-014736A32 Chegutu District Mashonaland West Acting 18/02/2008
Saba Dickson, Kadoko Binga District Matabeleland North Substantive 12/12/1982
Sai Ncube, Gideon Ngwanda Gokwe South Midlands Substantive 04/04/2005
Samambwa Samambwa, Willard S Ncube_ Gwande Kwekwe District Mashonaland West Acting 23/02/2012
Samuriwo Bidi, Muza Gibson Marondera District Mashonaland East Substantive 31/08/2004
Sangulube Moyo, Chap 04/02/1964 08-322028G56 Mangwe District Matabeleland South Substantive 07/05/2007
Saunyama Saunyama, Ephraim V Mheta (Python) Sawunyama; Nyanga District Manicaland Acting 09/05/2012
Seke Kunaka, Tichafa Shava - Vhuramavi (Eland) 28/08/1949 25-029596G25 Seke District Mashonaland East Acting 24/07/2008
Sengwa Makoti, Lisimati Willie Makoti, Risinati 10/02/1942 14-06958D14 Chiredzi District Masvingo Substantive 21/10/1976
Serima Rushwaya, Vengai 22/03/1971 27-093828M27 Gutu District Masvingo Substantive 08/03/2010
Shana Neluswi, Zondani Jonah 01/07/1940 79-013509Y79 Hwange District Matabeleland North Substantive 26/09/1985
Shindi Chikwiriro, Kwangwari 11/09/1920 12-017389D12 Chivi District Masvingo Substantive 08/03/2010
Shumba Chikava, Mugaviri 11/06/1931 22-027284Z22 Masvingo District Masvingo Substantive 25/01/1993
Siabuwa Njaya, Edward Binga District Matebeleland North Substantive 20/09/1984
Siachilaba Mudimba, Mackson 03/03/1937 08-357810A06 Binga District Matabeleland North Substantive 04/03/1983
Siamupa Muchimba, Wilson S Siabuwa; Siabula Binga District Matabeleland North Substantive 25/04/1987
Siansali Siabatwa, Nkatazo Binga District Matabeleland North Substantive 09/09/2011
Sibasa Sibasa, Bekezela Insiza District Matabeleland South Substantive 10/07/2008
Sigodo Mhlope, Apollo 01/06/1970 58-153916C58 Kwekwe District Midlands Acting 04/03/1996
Sigola Sigola, Zephania N 01/06/1929 08-105305N19 Umzingwane District Matabeleland South Substantive 31/08/1994
Sikalenge Tshuma, Bayela Charles Skalenge 23/09/1952 08-105922J06 Binga District Matabeleland North Substantive 12/06/1984
Sikobokobo Khumalo, Michael Zwide Sibokoboko;Sikhobokobo 05/08/1958 53-026697N53 Nkayi District Matabeleland North Substantive 22/08/1999
Simuchembu Simuchembu, Robert Gokwe North Midlands Substantive 22/09/1999
Sinakatenge Mukonka, David Sialubono Sinakatenga 06/06/1962 06-000717S06 Binga District Matabeleland North Substantive 29/10/1996
Sinakoma Mutale, Wireless Ngolo 30/09/1950 79-067931C06 Binga District Matabeleland North Substantive 19/10/2009
Sinamagonde Muchiwayile, Simangazi Siwamagonde Binga District Matabeleland North Substantive 08/01/1986
Sinampande Sinampande, Siakupwanya G Binga District Matabeleland North Substantive 12/12/1982
Sinamsanga Mutale, Siakachoma Government 09/02/1934 06-001015R06 Binga District Matabeleland North Substantive 01/08/1968
Sinamweda Muchimba, Shepherd Sinamwenda 08/08/1972 06-012705Y06 Binga District Matabeleland North Substantive 15/11/1986
Sinansengwa Mdenda, Timothy Chimbunda Sinasenkwe;Sinansengwe 04/01/1956 08-193219X06 Binga District Matabeleland North Substantive 24/07/2000
Siphoso Dlodlo, Alphius Msindazi Siposo Tsholotsho District Matabeleland North Substantive 06/07/2006
Sitauze Chitaudze;Sitaudze; Tshitaudze Beitbridge District Matabeleland South vacant
Sivalo Mahlangu, Solomon Nkayi District Matabeleland North Substantive 01/10/1966
Sogwala Sagwala, Mdulshula Gweru District Midlands Substantive 10/11/1981
Tandi Samhungu, William Chiyangwa 30/08/1935 08-026522E42 Makoni District Manicaland Substantive 12/05/2008
Tangwena Tangwena, Morris Humba/Makombe (Bushpig/Warthog) Tawungwena Nyanga District Manicaland Substantive 27/06/2006
Tategulu Nhlonipo, Brilliant Tetegulu; Tshugulu; Nhlonipho Moyo Tsholotsho District Matabeleland North Substantive 09/09/2011
Tshitshi Mpofu, Fanyana A S Mangwe District Matabeleland South Substantive 18/02/2008
Tshovani Mundau, Hlaisi Chiredzi District Masvingo Substantive 27/07/1995
Tshugulu Nkayi District Matabeleland North Vacant
Wange Hwange District Matabeleland North Vacant
Wasi Ndiweni, Ashel Wasi Mangwe District Matabeleland South Substantive 13/09/1983
Wedza Tumbudzuku, Hlati Philip Hwedza 19/10/1930 67-006819Y67 Zvishavane District Midlands Substantive 02/11/2011
Wozhele Mudzingwa, Gochomo J Wozheri;Hozhele;Hozheri Kadoma District Mashonaland West Substantive 18/02/2008
Ziki Nedombwe, Ishmael T M Bikita District Masvingo Substantive 18/02/2008
Zimunya Bvirindi, Kiben 12/08/1964 75-268644S75 Mutare District Manicaland Acting 20/07/2009
Zimuto Gono, Nyeve Benedict 12/07/1913 22-034126L22 Masvingo District Masvingo Substantive 24/07/2008
Zvimba Mhondoro, Stanley Wurayayi 21/01/1952 63-370096N70 Zvimba District Mashonaland West Substantive 20/07/2009


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