Trademark symbol

Trademark symbol

The trademark symbol (), in Unicode U+2122 trade mark sign (HTML ™ · ™), \texttrademark in LaTeX,[1] [2] is a symbol used to indicate an assertion that the preceding mark is a trademark. It is usually used for unregistered trademarks, as opposed to the registered trademark symbol (®) which is reserved for registered trademarks.

Use of the symbol

Use of the symbol indicates an assertion that a word, image, or other sign is a trademark; it does not indicate registration. Registered trademarks are indicated using the registered trademark symbol (®), and in some jurisdictions it is unlawful or illegal to use the ® symbol with a mark which has not been registered.[3]

Trademarks versus service marks

There is a specific symbol () to indicate the assertion of a service mark (a trademark for the provision of services). The service mark symbol is less commonly used than the trademark symbol, especially outside the United States.

See also


  1. "The Unicode Standard 7.0, Letterlike Symbols" (PDF). Unicode, Inc.
  2. "Character entity references in HTML 4".
  3. "“How to use the ® and TM Symbol”".