Trade Union Act

Trade Union Act (with its many variations) is a stock short title used for legislation in Australia, India, Japan, Laos, Tanzania and the United Kingdom and which relates to trade unions. The Bill for an Act with this short title will have been known as a Trade Union Bill during its passage through Parliament.

Trade Union Acts may be a generic name either for legislation bearing that short title or for all legislation which amends the law relating to trade unions. In the United Kingdom, it is a term of art.







United Kingdom

The Trade Union Acts

The Trade Union Acts 1871 to 1906 means the Trade Union Acts 1871 and 1876 and Trade Disputes Act 1906.[2]

The Trade Union Acts 1871 to 1913 means the Trade Union Acts 1871 to 1906 and the Trade Union Act 1913.[3]

The Trade Union Acts 1871 to 1964 means the Trade Union Acts 1871 to 1913 and the Trade Union (Amalgamations) Act 1964.[4]

The Trade Union Acts 1871 to 1971 means ... It is applicable to Northern Ireland.

See also


  2. The Trade Disputes Act 1906, section 5(1)
  3. The Trade Union Act 1913, section 8
  4. The Trade Union (Amalgamations) Act 1964, section 11(1)