
In this Japanese name, the family name is "Utagawa".
Returning Sails at Tsukuda from one of the Eight Views of Edo series by Toyohiro

Utagawa Toyohiro (歌川豊広, 歌川豐廣), birth name Okajima Tōjiro (17731828), was a Japanese ukiyo-e artist and painter. He was a member of the Utagawa school and studied under Utagawa Toyoharu, the school's founder. His works include a number of ukiyo-e landscape series,as well as many depictions of the daily activities in the Yoshiwara entertainment quarter; many of his stylistic features paved the way for Hokusai and Hiroshige (the latter a Prodigy who studied under Toyohiro,becoming one of the very finest Landscape Artists of all ), as well as producing an important series of ukiyo-e triptychs in collaboration with Toyokuni, and numerous book and e-hon illustrations, which occupied him in his later years.

The ukiyo-e series he produced include the following:


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