Toronto Classic Movie Festival

The Toronto Classic Movie Festival or ClassicFest is an annual event in Toronto, Ontario, Canada which features nostalgia movies from the 1950s and earlier, especially B-movies and film noir classics. The first festival was held in 2004 at the Regent Theatre in Toronto. It presented, as its opening night feature, the "director's cut" version of A Touch of Evil, a movie written, directed, and starring Orson Welles. The festival contributes a portion of its revenue to the local Geneva Centre for Autism. The second festival featured a visit from Yvette Vickers who was unable to attend the previous year due to bad health. That year, the festival's highlight was a late-night screening of Attack of the Killer Leeches, followed by an intimate question and answer session with Ms Vickers, moderated by the festival's program director, Michael McLarney.

The directors of the festival are Michael McLarney and Beverly Allen.[1]


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