Tor Cyan

Tor Cyan is a 2000 AD comic-book title written by John Tomlinson. It is a continuation of Mercy Heights, which introduced the titular character Tor Cyan as a futuristic 'ambulance driver'. In Tor Cyan, Tor Cyan is the pilot of a medical shuttle, who despite the obstacles of destiny is determined to dedicate his life to saving life.

Connections between Tor Cyan and the Genetic Infantrymen, and between his story and the same fictional universe as Nu-Earth, are revealed gradually over the course of the series. Tor Cyan finds it impossible to fully transcend his roots, and he becomes compelled to return to Nu-Earth and find out the truth about his past. Eventually he discovers that the his blue skin pigmentation is the product of the same genetic engineering used to create GI Supersoldiers.[1]


See also

Other Genetic Infantrymen (and women) with prominent roles:

External links


  1. Rogue Trooper Fortune City
  2. 2000 AD #1223 Comic Book Database
  3. 2000 AD #1224 Comic Book db
  4. 2000 AD #1225 Comic Book db
  5. 2000 AD #1226 Comic Book db
  6. 2000 AD #1250 Comic Book db
  7. 2000 AD #1251 Comic Book db
  8. 2000 AD #1252 Comic Book db
  9. 2000 AD #1253 Comic Book db
  10. #1254 Comic Book db
  11. #1255 Comic Book db
  12. #1256 Comic Book db
  13. #1263 Comic Book db
  14. #1295 Comic Book db
  15. #1296 Comic Book db
  16. #1297 Comic Book db
  17. #1298 Comic Book db
  18. #1299 Comic Book db
  19. Tor Cyan, Barney
  20. 20.0 20.1 Mercy Heights, Comic Book db, The Comic Book Database
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Mercy Heights 2000 AD Vault
  22. Dead of Winter, Comic Book db