Top Model po-russki (cycle 1)

Top Model po-russki, Cycle 1

Cycle 1 cast of Top Model po-russki
Country of origin Russia
No. of episodes 16
Original channel Muz-TV
Original run April 3, 2011 – May 22, 2011

Top Model po-russki, Cycle 1 was the first Cycle of the Russian adaptation of Tyra Banks America's Next Top Model. It began to air on April 3, 2011 with a two hour premiere which received almost 15.2% market share.

Next to going to New York the show will had guest appearances from cast members of the original version of the such Janice Dickinson, Jay Manuel and the show's creator Tyra Banks. The international destination for this cycle was New York city.[1]

The winner was 21 year-old Mariya Lesovaya from Ekaterinburg.

Episode summaries

Episode 1

Original Airdate: April 3, 2011

Russian Supermodel Ksenia Sobchak is put as the host of the newest top model Russian franchise Топ-модель по-русски who will guide the girls to model stardom in just a few short weeks, along with her are her top model judges Inna Zabova, Elena Suprun and Mikhail Korolev.

After three long months of castings, sixteen Russian cities visited, the judges narrowed down their selection to only thirty four semi-finalists who were to take part in castings in Moscow. The girls have no idea of who would be the host, when they all met Ksenia, they were starstruck. She announced that the final thirty four girls would take part in a runway challenge involving three different styles of clothing to choose from.

After the challenge, Ksenia was most unimpressed that most of the girls where too sexy while walking, but three girls where announced to be eliminated and would not make it to the next round. Then there was breakfast with the host, a meeting with the judges and the girls first photo shoot to determine would make the cut of seventeen girls.

Episode 2

Original Airdate: April 3, 2011

After the final 17 where determined, Ksenia gave them their keys to their new house. Elizaveta had high expectations while Mariya didn't seem to have any at all while all the other girls kept on guessing. As the Top Model bus pulled up, the girls entered their 25 story penthouse suite. All the girls loved the theme of the house which was colour.

All the girls where stunned with complimentary products from Venus Embrace and Max Factor. Masha phoned home and told her folks that she was one of the lucky girls to make it to this round, she was very surprised to have made it this far. Things got even better for the girls when Mariya came upon Kseniya Mail, but unfortunately the mood was let down a little since the girls had to share bunk beds and 17 was an odd number, one of the girls had to sleep on the floor.

The very next day, the girls where in for a surprise when a stranger Oksana woke up the girls to take height, weight and measurements, all the girls had received bikini waxes and met with a top dermatologist. The girls got another Kseniya mail and the girls got ready for their first surprisingly "hot" shoot, the surprise was to choose in bikinis out in negative temperatures to say the least. A lot of the girls struggled at the photoshoot, only Evgenia T and Kseniya D excelled. After the shoot, Valeria got an additional surprise, she was proposed to and is now happily engaged. After the shoot the girls arrived to their very first meeting with the judges.

The judges were really harsh on the girls this time, they were quite disappointed with the results of the shoot. But Kseniya T was declared as the best, while Elena and Ekaterina landed in the bottom two, Elena for not being completely opened in front of the camera while having a lot of potential and Ekaterina, who just struggled to find good body positions and couldn't master her face. In the end, Elena's potential saved her and Ekaterina was sent home. After elimination Ekaterina told that she was actually pregnant and was happy to return to her family and friends.

Episode 3

Original Airdate: April 10, 2011

The final 16 girls came back from a stressful elimination and weren't surprised with the verdict that Ekaterina was sent home. Masha agreed with the elimination whilst Olga was in total shock to see her best friend go home. First call out last panel, Kseniya Timofeeva was greeted by her photo as digital art on the TV and got "Kseniya mail" congratulations; Masha was very jealous but happy for her.

Then yet another "Kseniya mail" was delivered and Arina picked it up. Then the girls made their way to the judging panel: was there a second cut so soon? No, it was just one of the judges Inna Zobova and a guest judge Daniel Koccenkov who was the girls runway coach. The girls were all asked to walk in front of the 2 judges to help tweak each girls walks. Twins Kseniya and Olga were both terrified about runway, since their strong points are photos. Then the girls had to go backstage and change into outfits to do a better walk where Irina and Evgeniya Timakova got into some drama, Evgeniya picked up Irina's dress by mistake and Irina shoved it back saying it was hers which made Evgeniya upset with her.

Elizaveta, Masha and Mariya excelled, But Anastasiya was proven to be the best and won the reward challenge and chose Irina and Alyona to come to a fashion house, get pampered and get their hair, makeup and nails done and Anastasiya won an addition item to her prize, an extravagant dress to keep. While most of the other girls back at the house described Anastasiya winning as a joke since she is very beauty pageant like.

The next day, Valeriya proved to be the most likable with the guests in the house and was invited to Europa Plus radio station to have her conversation broadcast live on Russian radio. The very next day the girls arrived to the shoot which was posing with a very attractive shirtless male model for Bruno Banani perfume. At panel, the judges were pleased that the results were better that 1st week's. But some girls again struggled to find a sexy pose. When Kseniya D was called to be evaluated, Kseniya asked her if she was honest with them, because they found out that she starred in the commercial for AlpenGold, so she already modeled and didn't tell them, Kseniya confessed and got really emotional.

Elizaveta had the best photo, being first call-out while Elena was in the bottom two once again with Kseniya Dmitrieva. In the end it was Kseniya's strong photos that saved her, so Elena was sent home.

Episode 4

Original Airdate: April 10, 2011

The episode starts with Mariya's angry comments about Lena, who was her BF in house, getting eliminated over some girls, that didn't deserve to stay over someone who really wants it. Next morning the girls confronted Anastasiya calling her fake and rude towards everyone else, but Anastasiya was shocked to her that, so she even didn't pay any attention to this confrontation.

Then the girls were taken to the "Persona-Lab salone" to get their Makeover. Everybody was really nervous and somebody cried: Arina because she didn't want to get blond, Karmelina because she was afraid that her boyfriend wouldn't like it. But in the end everybody was happy with their make over. Except for Alyona, who didn't want to get a bang, so she refused and was left without any changes. Next day the girls were taught about Make-Up technique and Evegniya T won this challenge. The photo shoot this week was a Campaign for MaxFactor. At judging, the judges were pleasantly surprised with almost all the girls, they said that finally girls personalities were coming through.

Kseniya T's photo was declared as the best, so she received her second first call-out in three weeks. In the end Olga and Alyona landed in the bottom two, Olga for not owning her new hair-style and Alyona for unprofessional behavior at the Makeover time Shockingly, Kseniya Sobchak had two photos in her hands and she stated that it was up for Alyona to decide who would go home. She can accept her Makeover, get a bang and stay or she can choose Olga's photo and leave. Alyona chose Olga's photo and went home. She said that she was really unhappy in the house and wouldn't be able to work with her planned look. so that is why she made that chose.

Episode 5

Original Airdate: April 17, 2011

The episode starts with girls comments about Alyona's leaving. They say that she really didn't like the whole show, so her decision to quit was the right one. Next girls head off to the sport-center, where Russian famous gymnast Lyaisan Utyasheva greets them. They have a dance-class, after it they have to compete in the dance-challenge. Anastasiya and Kseniya D are declared the best and compete against each other for the win, they have to show romantic moves and then passion moves. In the end, Kseniya D is chosen as the winner, her challenge-prize is additional 50 frames for her next photoshoot. But suddenly the girls are shocked, when they find out, that one of them will be eliminated outside panel, just after this challenge. And that girl is Karmela, who was said to have no drive and passion for modeling. The next day girls arrive at the photostudio, where their photoshoot will take place, they have to pose with a snake this time. Many girls start freaking out, but in the end everybody manages to get a photo. At panel Evegniya T, Olga, Kseniya T, Arina and Elizaveta wowed the judges with their pictures. Kseniya D is scolded for being too posy in her photos, the judges aren' convinced that she is a model and not a dancer. Mariya is scolded for having appropriated attitude and a bad photo. In the end, Kseniya D and Mariya land in the Bottom 2, but it is Mariya's stronger performance that saves her. And Kseniya D is sent home.

Episode 6

Original Airdate: April 17, 2011

The episode starts with the girls comments about Kseniya's D elimination, everybody agreed that she was a good friend and a mom of the house. Later the girls arrived at VinZavod where they meet Janice Dickinson. All the girls scream out with a joy when she comes out of the car. Later they have a tech with Kanice about showing off different emotions then they have a challenge where the main task was to pose using face cut-outs in famous photos of Kseniya Sobchak. Irina was declared as the winner and won a private dinner with Janice, she took Anastasiya with her. The photoshoot this week was about Zodiac Signs. Janice was there as well, she guided the girls through the shoot. Where Evgeniya Timakova, Kseniya Timofeeva and Irina excelled and Valeriya, Masha and Elizaveta failed. At panel the judges were pleasantly surprised by the results of the shoot, especially Irina, Kseniya T and Evgeniya T. Valeriya and Elizaveta landed in the Bottom 2, Valeriya for not being able to transform completely into a model even with an edgy hair-cut and Elizaveta because nerves got best of her at shoot which lead to a bad photo. In the end it was Elizaveta who was saved by the judges because they saw more potential in her. So Valeriya was sent home which lead to a very emotional atmosphere among the girls. Elizaveta burst into tears after receiving her photo.

Episode 7

Original Airdate: April 24, 2011

Visiting our models - the lead singer of A'Studio Kathy Topuria. After talking with the star of the girls are sent to a military base, where they will go through an obstacle course. But this is only the beginning! Those who did not broke Their ribs, go to the catwalk on the roof of the bus in front of a platoon of soldiers. Mariya was declared as the winner of the catwalk challenge and was rewarded with an opportunity to go to the Cosmopolitan headquarters. She chose Masha and Arina to go with her. Next morning, the girls arrive t the studio where they found out that they are going to have a nude body-painting photoshoot. All the girls did well especially Anastasiya, who was photographer's favorite. At panel Anastasiya was praised for finding a way to hide her flaws with her pose, Olga was also praised for finding creative poses and Arina who got the theme perfectly. In the end it was Kseniya T and Kseniya V who landed in the Bottom 2, Kseniya V for being unmemorable and uninspiring and Kseniya T, whose photo was praised but whose attitude during the shoot was unprofessional. In the end it was Kseniya's strong photos and 3FCO that saved her. Kseniya V was eliminated.

Episode 8

Original Airdate: April 24, 2011

The girls were in for a surprise when are told to ride horses, but Evgeniya Frank took a turn for the worse when she fell of her horse. As the teach was over, the girls went home and found another Kseniya Mail. The girls arrived to their challenge which was a runway show for Maxim Rapoport in front of a big crowd, but the girls had to walk blindfolded which completely shocked all the girls. Daniel Kosenkov from episode 3 was there also, he wanted to see if the girls progressed or not. Anastasia had to walk with a tricky avaunt-grade garment and she was chosen to open the show. When she was walking her skirt started sliding, but she made it look like it was planned and later was commended for making it work. And Masha's runway walk was also very strong, but when she did her turn, her breast was exposed. Olga was also a strong contender and made a real change to her performance earlier in the week and Arina was also a strong runway walker. But it was Mariya who won the challenge. Then the following day the girls were driven to a big SPA-center for their first underwater photo shoot for a new Pantene Aqua light. Before the shoot Olga got a new Makeover: her hair was cut a bit and dyed red, she asked the judges for that Makeover herself at previous panel. Then at the judging panel the judges were quit disappointed with overall performances of the girls, while Anastasiya, Kseniya T, Olga and Evgeniya T were declared as the best. Masha and Arina landed in the bottom two. Masha because her photo was bad and she was very inconsistent and Arina because her photo was average and she didn't have professional attitude during the whole competition and it concerned the judges, but it was Masha's efforts and determination which got her through while Arina was eliminated.

Episode 9

Original Airdate: May 2, 2011

For this week's challenge, the models were taken first to the MSU University to have a teach with Kseniya Sobchak about dealing with the media. Then the girls were driven to one of the Moscow's restaurants where they were met by the famous Russian journalist Leonid Zakoshanskim. Leonid was very pleased with some girls, especially Masha Minigarova and the twins. In the end Masha was declared as the winner. She will attend MSFW as a reporter. But a shock came right after - one girl had to leave immediately! That girl was Anastasiya, who didn't impress Leonid. After the intellectual workout girls are sent to the Moscow central street - Arbat, where they have a paparazzi-photoshoot. At panel. the judges adored Mariya's photo, she is complimented on becoming more feminine. Evgeniya F is finally praised for her good photo, especially how good she posed during the photoshoot. Olga and Kseniya received, mixed reviews, but overall they have good photos. Masha is praised for winning the media challenge but her photo is not good. Elizaveta's photo is deemed her worst yet, Kseniya wonders if she has got what it takes to be a top model. Evgeniya T photo received praise but they judges are concerned that she gives them only one look in each photo. In the end, Elizaveta and Evegeniya T landed in the B2, and Elizaveta is sent home for her inconsistent performance.

Episode 10

Original Airdate: May 2, 2011

This is the first recap episode showing only some guest appearances

Episode 11

Original Airdate: May 9, 2011

Episode 12

Original Airdate: May 9, 2011

Episode 13

Original Airdate: May 15, 2011

After the girls say goodbye to recently eliminated Evgeniya T, the remaining five are flown to the city of dreams, New York City. The girls explore their new penthouse and meet with Karen Lee from Wilhelmina in Central Park to talk about their strengths and weaknesses. Later the girls are taken to Wilhelmina and meet with a casting director and each girl talks with him one on one to convince him to book her.

Mariya is the challenge winner and picks Evgenia & Masha for a helicopter ride over Manhattan. Then the girls shoot on top of a skyscraper building representing a typical New York woman. Masha is criticised once again for ruining the photo with a bland facial expression but was saved by Olga's even worse photo

Episode 14

Original Airdate: May 15, 2011

Episode 15

Original Airdate: May 22, 2011

This episode is a more detailed version of the last recap on Top Model po-russki, showing how this group of 17 got down to the final 3.

Episode 16

Original Airdate: May 22, 2011


(ages stated are at time of contest)

Contestant Age Hometown Height Finish
Ekaterina Nikulina 26 St. Petersburg 5 ft 7.5 in (1.72 m) Eliminated in Episode 2
Elena Domashniya 20 St. Petersburg 5 ft 7.5 in (1.72 m) Eliminated in Episode 3
Alyona Prokopova 19 Kursk 5 ft 8.5 in (1.74 m) Quit in Episode 4
Karmelina "Karmela" Amanda-Amadio 19 Nalchik 5 ft 9 in (1.75 m) Eliminated outside of judging panel in Episode 5
Kseniya Dmitrieva 24 Moscow 5 ft 8.5 in (1.74 m) Eliminated in Episode 5
Valeriya Chertok 25 Norilsk 5 ft 9 in (1.75 m) Eliminated in Episode 6
Kseniya Victorova 20 Kazan 5 ft 11 in (1.80 m) Eliminated in Episode 7
Arina Perchik 20 Togliatti 5 ft 10 in (1.78 m) Eliminated in Episode 8
Anastasiya Zharinova 18 Bashkortostan 5 ft 8.5 in (1.74 m) Eliminated outside of judging panel in Episode 9
Elizaveta Ramuravelu 23 Moscow 5 ft 10.5 in (1.79 m) Eliminated in Episode 9
Kseniya Timofeeva 18 St. Petersburg 5 ft 8.5 in (1.74 m) Eliminated in Episode 11
Evgeniya Timakova 22 Samara 5 ft 8.5 in (1.74 m) Eliminated in Episode 12
Olga Timofeeva 18 St. Petersburg 5 ft 8.5 in (1.74 m) Eliminated in Episode 13
Mariya "Masha" Minogarova 21 Krasnodar 5 ft 11.5 in (1.82 m) Eliminated in Episode 14
Evgeniya Frank 22 Schuchinsk 5 ft 11 in (1.80 m) Eliminated in Episode 16
Irina Adadurova 23 Bryansk 5 ft 10 in (1.78 m) Runner-up
Mariya Lesovaya 21 Ekaterinburg 5 ft 10 in (1.78 m) Winner


Call-out order

Kseniya’s Call-out Order
1 KarmelaKseniya T.ElizavetaKseniya T.Kseniya V. Irina AnastasiyaKseniya T.Mariya Evgeniya T. Evgeniya F. Evgeniya F. MariyaIrina Mariya
2 AlyonaAnastasiyaKarmelaKseniya V.Kseniya T. Kseniya T. MariyaOlgaOlga Evgeniya F. Olga Irina Irina Mariya Irina
3 MashaKarmelaMashaMariyaElizaveta Olga Olga Evgeniya T.Evgeniya F.Mariya Irina MariyaEvgeniya F. Evgeniya F.
4 Kseniya V.Evgeniya F.ArinaKseniya D. Evgeniya T.Mariya Masha ElizavetaIrinaMashaMariya Masha Masha
5 Kseniya D.AlyonaEvgeniya F. Masha ArinaEvgeniya T.Elizaveta AnastasiyaKseniya T. Irina Masha Olga
6 ArinaEvgeniya T.Kseniya V.ValeriyaEvgeniya F.Anastasiya Arina Evgeniya F.MashaOlga Evgeniya T.
7 ValeriyaKseniya D.Kseniya T.ArinaMasha Evgeniya F.Evgeniya T. IrinaEvgeniya T. Kseniya T.
8 Evgeniya F.IrinaAlyonaEvgeniya T.Olga Arina Evgeniya F. MariyaElizaveta
9 ElenaArinaEvgeniya T.AnastasiyaIrina Kseniya V. Irina MashaAnastasiya
10 IrinaOlgaValeriyaEvgeniya F.Anastasiya Masha Kseniya T. Arina
11 OlgaMashaAnastasiyaElizavetaValeriya Elizaveta Kseniya V.
12 Evgeniya T.MariyaMariyaIrinaMariya Valeriya
13 EkaterinaValeriyaIrinaKarmelaKseniya D.
14 ElizavetaKseniya V.OlgaOlgaKarmela
15 AnastasiyaElizavetaKseniya D. Alyona
16 Kseniya T.ElenaElena
17 MariyaEkaterina
     The contestant was eliminated
     The contestant quit the competition
     The contestant was eliminated outside of panel
     The contestant won the competition

Photo Shoot Guide
