Top Industrial Managers for Europe

Top Industrial Managers for Europe (TIME - Technologies d'Ingénieurs et Mobilité Etudiante) is a network of more than fifty engineering schools and faculties and technical universities.

It promotes graduate student exchanges and double degrees throughout Europe. Students achieve a broader high-level scientific engineering education with inter-cultural experience by attending curricula at two or more leading engineering institutes.

Several hundreds of European students participate in TIME mobility activities and earn double degrees each year. Double degrees require the participating graduate student to spend two years in a partner university and two years in his home university (or reverse order), so as to be granted both degrees. Double degrees are assumed to be Master's degrees.

TIME network primarily involves graduate engineering schools and technical universities throughout Europe, but has some overseas extensions.

TIME partners' information hub in Europe

Top Industrial Managers for Europe (TIME)

TIME members include the following engineering schools and technical universities in Europe :

TIME overseas partners' information hub

TIME members in Europe have associated the following overseas partners, through student mobility, academic and research cooperations with the following universities :

External links