Tommy Lorne

Tommy Lorne[1] (December 7, 1890 – April 17, 1935) was a Scottish music hall comedian of the 1920s.

Born Hugh Gallagher Corcoran[2] in Kirkintilloch, he grew up in Glasgow.

Lorne famously wore white make-up, boots that were too large, a jacket that was too short, a Glengarry and a very short kilt.[3] He performed his act in a high-pitched voice. In 1927, Lorne made two short films, The Lard Song[4] and Tommy Lorne and "Dumplings",[5] both filmed in the DeForest Phonofilm sound-on-film process.

It is often said that Lorne sausage is named after him.[6] This is exactly the sort of tall story that Lorne is likely to have started himself.

He died from pneumonia at age 45.

