Tomb of Aaron

Aaron's tomb on Jabal Hārūn in Petra, Jordan
Aaron's tomb on Jabal Hārūn in Petra, Jordan

The Tomb of Aaron is the name of the supposed burial-place of Aaron, the brother of Moses. There are two traditional locations, Mount Hor, near Mount Sinai in the Sinai, or at a location near Petra in Jordan.[1]


One Jewish tradition states Aaron died, and was buried on Mount Hor. Mount Hor is located near Mount Sinai in the Sinai.[1] Others believe Aaron, known as Harun in Arabic, died and was buried on Jabal Harun, or Aaron's Mountain, near Petra in Jordan. A mosque was built at the Jordanian location in the 14th century.[2][3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Levi, Gerson. Aaron's Tomb. Retrieved 2008-07-12.
  2. "Aaron's Tomb, Petra". Atlas Travel and Tourist Agency. Retrieved 2008-07-12.
  3. "Tomb of Aaron". United States Naval Academy. Retrieved 2008-07-12.