Tom Andrews (poet)

`Tom Andrews (1961 – 2001) was an American poet and critic.


Tom Andrews grew up in Charleston, West Virginia.[1] He got into the Guinness World Records at the age of eleven by clapping for fourteen hours and thirty one minutes. He had dreams of being a stand up comedian. He raced motocross as a teenager, but he stopped when he found out he had hemophilia. He had a major accident on an icy sidewalk that put him in the hospital for many weeks.

He worked as a copy editor for "Mathematical Review," a bibliographic journal for mathematicians, physicists, statisticians, logicians, historians, and philosophers of mathematics.

While he is best known for his poetry, he also wrote criticism and a memoir, Codeine Diary: True Confessions of a Reckless Hemophiliac.


He graduated from Hope College and the University of Virginia with an M.F.A.[2]


Poet and critic Lisa Russ Spaar has called Tom Andrews "One of the great stylists — and one of the best, and under-known, poets — of the past 20 years." [3] His collection, The Hemophiliac's Motorcycle, is available online for free through the University of Iowa Press.[4]

Scholars have examined his work through the lens of disability; as a hemophiliac, much of his poetry seems concerned with the body as spectacle, in its achievements as well as its limitations. As professor Susannah Mintz puts it in her article Lyric Bodies: Poets on Disability and Masculinity, published in PMLA in March 2012, "the speaker [of the title poem in The Hemophiliac's Motorcycle] presents himself as paradoxical: at risk and highly skilled, competitive and communal, worthy of respect for his talent and potentially feared or derided for the strange behavior of so metaphorically charged a substance as his blood."[5]


Andrews died in July 2001 as a result of complications from his hemophilia. He was forty years old.

Praise for Tom Andrews

Poet Jean Valentine said "He is a true poet, loving, tough, ecstatic." Guy Davenport, one of the country's most powerful critics, said "These are not poems about illness. They are about the dominion of the spirit when it is rich in imagination and courage."






Beauty Is A Verb The New Poetry of Disabilityl  editor=Jennifer Bartlett, Shelia Black, Michael Northern publishers= Cinco Puntosl year= 2011l isbn=978-1-935955-05-4


External links

[ Beauty is a Verb edited by Jennifer Barlett, Shelia Black, and Michael Northern 2011 Cinco Puntos Press]