Tita Kovač Artemis

Tita Kovač Artemis
Born 18 September 1930
Novo Mesto, Slovenia
Occupation chemist and writer
Notable awards Levstik Award
1985 for Kemiki skozi stoletja

Tita Kovač Artemis (born 19 September 1930) Greek: Τίτα Κόβατς-Αρτέμη is a retired Slovene chemist and writer.

She won the Levstik Award in 1985 for her book Kemiki skozi stoletja (Chemists Through the Centuries).[1] She is better known for her documented biographical novels on Johann Weikhard von Valvasor Spomini baraona Valvasorja (Memoirs of Baron Valvasor), 1973; Stephen Dečanski Štefan Dečanski, 1974; Sigmund Zois Najbogatejši Kranjec (The Richest Carniolan), 1979; Janez Bleiweis Slovenski orator (The Slovene Orator), 1990; and Ioannis Kapodistrias Grški feniks (The Greek Phoenix), 2003.

In 1970 she moved to Greece where she lived and worked for many years until she moved to a retirement home near Topolšica in her native Slovenia.[2]
