Timeline of the Catholic Church

As the oldest branch of Christianity, along with Eastern Orthodoxy,[1] the history of the Catholic Church plays an integral part of the history of Christianity as a whole. This article covers a period of just under 2,000 years.

Over time, schisms have disrupted the unity of Christianity. The major divisions occurred in c.144 with Marcionism,[2] 318 with Arianism, in 1054 the East–West Schism of the Catholic Church with the Eastern Orthodox churches and in 1517 with the Protestant Reformation. The Catholic Church has been the moving force in some of the major events of world history including the evangelization of Europe and Latin America, the spreading of literacy and the foundation of the universities, hospitals, Western monasticism, the development of art, music, literature, architecture, the scientific method, and trial by jury. Also playing a role in world affairs including, the Inquisition, the Crusades, an analytical philosophical method, and the downfall of communism in Eastern Europe in the late 20th century.

Ministry of Jesus and founding

Main article: Chronology of Jesus
Byzantine image depicting Jesus as Christ pantocrator
  • Although the calculations of Dionysius Exiguus put the birth of Jesus in the year that in consequence is called AD 1, history places his birth more likely some time between 6 and 4 BC.

Early Christianity


Head of Constantine's colossal statue at Musei Capitolini


Justinian I depicted on a mosaic in the church of San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy


Notre-Dame Cathedral – designed in the Gothic architectural style.


Michelangelo's Pietà in St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City


Social Teaching

Pope Leo XIII
Quod apostolici muneris
Rerum novarum

Pope Pius XI
Quadragesimo anno

Pope Pius XII
Social teachings

Pope John XXIII
Mater et magistra
Pacem in terris

Vatican II
Dignitatis humanae
Gaudium et spes

Pope Paul VI
Populorum progressio

Pope John Paul II
Laborem exercens
Sollicitudo rei socialis
Centesimus annus
Evangelium vitae

Pope Benedict XVI
Deus caritas est
Caritas in veritate

Pope Francis
Lumen fidei

Social teachings of the Popes
Tranquillitas Ordinis

Notable figures
Gaspard Mermillod
René de La Tour du Pin
Heinrich Pesch
Dorothy Day
Óscar Romero
Joseph Bernardin
Hilaire Belloc
G. K. Chesterton
Thomas Woods

19th century

20th century

21st century

Benedict XVI, the first Pope elected in the 21st century

See also

Further reading

The History of the Catholic Church, From the Apostolic Age to the Third Millennium James Hitchcock, Ph.D. Ignatius Press, 2012 ISBN 978-I-58617-664-8


Triumph: The Power and the Glory of the Catholic Church. Crocker, H.W.

Bokenkotter, Thomas. A Concise History of the Catholic Church. Revised and expanded ed. New York: Image Books Doubleday, 2005. ISBN 0-385-51613-4


  1. The Eastern Orthodox and some other churches are also apostolic in origin — i.e., they also date their origins back to the founding of the Church at the time of the Apostles
  2.  "Marcionites". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 1913.: "...they were perhaps the most dangerous foe Christianity has ever known."
  3. Chadwick, Henry, pp. 23–24.
  4.  "St. John the Evangelist". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 1913.
  5. St. John the Evangelist, ewtn.com, retrieved September 30, 2006
  6. McMullen, p. 44.
  7. De Imperatoribus Romanis – Constantine I, retrieved February 23, 2007
  8. Duffy, p. 29.
  9. Duffy, p. 30.
  10. "Suave Molecules of Mocha" Coffee, Chemistry, and Civilization, New Partisan – A Journal of Culture, Arts and Politics, March 7, 2005, retrieved October 23, 2006
  11. Hubert Jedin, Church history, 619
  12. Schism of SSPX Pete Vere, My Journey out of the Lefebvre Schism: All Tradition Leads to Rome, Catholic Education Resource Center, retrieved November 20, 2006
  13. Benedict XVI, Meeting with the representatives of science in the Aula Magna of the University of Regensburg (September 12, 2006)
  14. Faith, Reason and the University Memories and Reflections from official Vatican website, retrieved October 18, 2006
  15. "Three Stages in the Program of De-Hellenization" by Pope Benedict XVI, Zenit News Agency, retrieved October 18, 2006
  16. Pope Is Regretful That His Speech Angered Muslims, Sep. 17, 2006, L.A. Times, retrieved October 18, 2006
  17. Al Qaeda threat over pope speech, Sep. 18, 2006, CNN.com retrieved October 18, 2006
  18. Qaeda-led group vows "jihad" over Pope's speech, Sep. 18, 2006, Reuters, retrieved October 18, 2006
  19. Moto Proprio, De Aliquibus Mutationibus, June 11, 2007
  20. Kleiber, Reinhard (2008). "Iran and the Pope Easing Relations". Quantara. Retrieved June 24, 2008.

External links