Timeline of portable computers

Year Price CPU @ MHz Computer name Comment
1954 900 Vacuum tubes DYSEAC For the military, movable by truck.
1975 8975 USD IBM PALM processor @ 1.9 IBM 5100 Portable Computer[1] 64K = 17 975 USD.
1975 4000 USD Motorola 6800 @ 1 MIT Suitcase Computer 4K SRAM, approx. 20 lbs. Built by David Emberson in the MIT Digital Systems Laboratory as a thesis project. Currently in the collection of Dr. Hoo-Min D. Toong.
1976 50 000 USD Z80? @ 1 Xerox NoteTaker
1977 2495 USD Z80 Versatile 2[2][3]
1978 10 225 USD IBM PALM processor @ 1.9 IBM 5110[4]
1979 375 USD 6502 @ 1, 1K Rockwell AIM-65 20 Character alphanumeric display.[2][5][6]
1979 3250 USD Custom HP 8 bit @ 0.613 Hewlett-Packard Model 85[7]
1980 ? PA512 Made in Serbia.
1980 230 USD SC43177, SC43178 TRS-80 Pocket Computer[8]
1981 1795 USD Z80 @ 4.0 Osborne 1
1981 795 USD 2x Hitachi 6301 @ 0.614 Epson HX-20[9]
1981 Z80 compatible Husky (computer)[10]
1982 8088 @ 4.77 Columbia Data Products
1982 Z80A @ 4 Grundy NewBrain
1982 Z80 @ 2.5 Kaypro
1982 [11] 8000 USD 8086 @ ? Grid Compass 1100 NASA laptop
1982 Z80 @ 4.0 Osborne Executive
1983 x86 Hyperion (computer)
1983 x86 Compaq Portable
1983 1099 USD 80C85 @ 2.4 TRS-80 Model 100 40 x 8 LCD
1983 Z80A, 8086, 128K Seequa Chameleon [2]
1983 Z80A @ 3.4 Sord IS-11
1984 4225 USD 8088 @ 4.77 IBM 5155[12]
1984 Z80 Actrix (computer)
~1984 8088 @ 4.77 Bondwell-8
1984 995 USD Z80 @ 2.45 Epson PX-8 Geneva[13]
1984 6502 @ 1.02 Commodore SX-64
1984 x86 Data General-One
1984 Z80 @ 4.0 Osborne Vixen
1984 80C88 ZP-150
1984 595 USD HP-71B Calculator programmable in BASIC
1984 2995 USD Harris 80C86 @ 5.33 HP 110 80 x 16 LCD, 300 baud modem
1984 1965 GBP 8086 @ 4.77 Apricot Portable First portable computer with 25-line LCD. Included speech recognition, wireless keyboard, and optional wireless mouse.
1985 Z80 @ 4 Bondwell-2
1985 Harris 80C86 @ 5.33 HP 110 Plus 80 x 25 LCD, 1200 baud modem
1986 8088 @ 4.77 IBM 5140
1986 Intel 80286 @ 8 Compaq Portable II
1986 ? LPA512
1987 Z80 Cambridge Z88
1988 Intel 8088 NEC UltraLite
1989 Intel 8088 @ 4.9152 Atari Portfolio
1989 2000 USD Intel 80C88 @ 7 Poqet PC (Classic)
1989 8086 @ 9.55 Compaq LTE
1989 Motorola 68000 @ 16 Macintosh Portable
1989 Motorola 68000 @ 15 Outbound Laptop
1989? 68HC000 @ 8 Atari STacy
1991 Motorola 68000 @ 8 ST BOOK [14] [15]
1991 NEC V20 @ 5.37 HP 95LX
1991 2300 USD Motorola 68000 @ 16 Apple PowerBook 100
1992 IBM 486SLC @ 25 IBM ThinkPad
1992 Z80, 64K Amstrad NC100
1992 4950 USD CY601 + CY604 @ 25 MHz SPARCbook1 Unix with SunOS
1993 Intel "Hornet" 80186 @ 7.91 HP 100LX
1993 ? AlphaSmart
1994 Intel "Hornet" 80186 @ 7.91 HP 200LX
1995 IBM ThinkPad Butterfly keyboard
1997 Intel Pentium @ 150 IBM Thinkpad 380
2001 SA-1110 @ 206 SIMpad

See also


  1. "IBM 5100 computer". 090508 oldcomputers.net
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 "MicrocomputerChronology". 090508 is2.lse.ac.uk
  3. "old-computers.com : The Museum". 090508 old-computers.com
  4. "IBM 5110 computer". 090508 oldcomputers.net
  5. "Weird World of Hardware". 090508 trygve.com
  6. "Rockwell AIM-65 computer". 090508 oldcomputers.net
  7. "Old Computers – rare, vintage, and obsolete computers". 090508 oldcomputers.net
  8. "Radio Shack TRS-80 Pocket Computer". 090508 oldcomputers.net
  9. "Epson HX-20 computer". 090508 oldcomputers.net
  10. "OLD-COMPUTERS.COM : The Museum". 090508 old-computers.com
  11. "World's first laptop. Osborne 1 GRiD Compass 1101.". 090519 thelong..last.com
  12. "IBM 5155 portable computer". 090508 oldcomputers.net
  13. "Epson PX-8 computer". 090508 oldcomputers.net
  14. "Planet Irata: Atari ST Book Notebook Computer". Archived from the original on 2009-10-26. 090508 geocities.com
  15. "Chips in ATARI-Computern mit TOS-Betriebssystem". 090508 xs4all.nl

External links