Timeline of Rob Ford video scandal

Photograph given to Gawker and the Toronto Star providing 'bonafides' for the video transaction.
From left to right: Anthony Smith, Rob Ford, Monir Kassim and Muhammad Khattak.

In May 2013, the American website Gawker and the Toronto Star reported that they had viewed a cellphone video that showed Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack cocaine and commenting on political issues. Gawker raised money to buy the video, but were unable to acquire the video when the seller broke off contact. On October 31, 2013, Toronto Police announced that they are in possession of the video, "and at least one other".[1] The video was retrieved in the course of an investigation of drug gangs, entitled "Project Traveller". Ford associate Sandro Lisi is charged with extortion for attempting to retrieve the video, in exchange for marijuana.

The picture at right is the image provided to Gawker and Toronto Star reporters of Rob Ford posing with three individuals outside the house where the alleged video was recorded. The individuals with Ford were later identified as Anthony Smith, Muhammad Khattak and Monir Kassim. The location was later identified as a house on Windsor Road in the Etobicoke area of Toronto. The individuals are alleged members of a gang residing in the area. Khattak and Kassim were both arrested in a sweep of an apartment complex near the home in June 2013. Smith was shot and killed in a shooting on the streets of downtown Toronto in March 2013. The home was identified as the residence of a friend of Rob Ford from his high school days.[2] The home was attacked in a home invasion days after Gawker and the Toronto Star published the video story.[2]

Rob Ford consistently denied the existence of the video, and denied that he uses crack cocaine. Ford remained Mayor although several members of Toronto City Council, as well as the editorial boards of the National Post and Toronto Sun and Toronto Star, called for him to step down.[3][4][5] The crisis led to the firing of the Mayor's chief of staff and the resignation of a half-dozen of his staff. After the Police announcement, Ford announced that he would not resign from office.

On November 5, 2013, Ford admitted to smoking crack cocaine "probably in one of my drunken stupors",[6] admitted to hiding his drug abuse from his family, his staff and the people of Toronto, but pledged to continue on as Mayor.[7] And on April 30, 2014 a second video showing Ford smoking crack emerged.[8] Ford took a leave of absence to enter drug rehabilitation from May 1 through June 30, 2014.[9][10][11][12][13]

February 2013

March 2013

May 2013

Councillor Doug Ford, 2011.

June 2013

July 2013

August 2013

September 2013

October 2013

Chief Blair spoke regarding released documents. He is seen here in June 2012.
Heavily redacted court documents released show that Toronto Police investigated the alleged crack video of Ford and the attempted recovery of the video by Lisi. Surveillance photographs show Ford meeting Lisi in various locations. Ford and Lisi were trailed and monitored by police from March until October 2013, including the use of a Cessna plane after Lisi started using "counter-surveillance" methods to lose police. In the course of the investigation, former mayoral staffer Chris Fickel was interviewed by Toronto Police and suggested that Lisi was the source of marijuana and cocaine for Ford.[91]
Police reveal existence of video
In a press conference held after the release of the documents, Toronto Police Chief Blair reveals that the police recovered a copy of the video from the hard drive of a computer seized during the Project Traveller raids. According to Blair, the video's contents are as described in the media reports. Lisi is charged with extortion related to the video and is to appear in Toronto Court later in the day (Lisi's hearing is held the next day). Blair states that the video will come out in court, and that the contents are "disappointing".[92] Lisi tell investigators that Blair "is going to get his."[86]
At his City Hall office, Ford briefly addressed the media "Everyone has seen the allegations. I wish I could come out and defend myself but I can't. It's before the courts. That's all I can say right now. No reason to resign. I am going to go back and return my phone calls and be out doing what the people elected me to do and that's save taxpayers money and run the great government that we've been running the last three years."[93]
Toronto newspapers Toronto Sun, The Globe and Mail, National Post and the Toronto Star all call on Ford to resign. A same-day public opinion poll conducted by phone of Torontonians showed that, while 44% approved of the mayoral job Ford was doing, 60% wanted him to resign.[94] The news that the video has been found by the police is reported internationally.[95]

November 2013

Councillor Kelly, 2012.
Ford appears on 640 CFRA's morning show with John Oakley. Ford denies using drugs. “I can assure you, I can assure you, Johnny, that I do not use drugs. I drink, don’t get me wrong. I’m the first one to enjoy a few cocktails. Some of the parties I’ve had, you know, I shouldn’t have went to the Danforth, you know, inebriated. I shouldn’t have had a pretty, I would say, a wild St. Patrick’s Day party in my office. I shouldn’t have done that. That’s the past. The past is the past.”[105]
Doug Ford calls on Police Chief Blair to resign, calling him biased against Rob Ford.[104] Ford asks Police Services Review Board Chair Alok Mukherjee for a meeting, but is turned down, stating that a meeting with Doug Ford would be viewed as interfering with a police investigation.[106]
A Global News poll is released, its results nearly the same as the previous week, with 59% wanting Ford to step down, while 43% approved of the job Ford is doing.[107]
Ford admits to smoking crack cocaine
At midday, Mayor Rob Ford admits to have smoked crack cocaine, saying “Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine but … am I an addict? No. Have I tried it? Probably in one of my drunken stupors, probably approximately about a year ago".[108] Responding to why the admission took so long, Ford says “I wasn’t lying. You didn’t ask the correct questions".[6] At the end of the day, Ford held a scheduled announcement, reiterating an apology to the City of Toronto. He said "I kept this from my family, especially my brother Doug, my staff, my council colleagues because I was embarrassed and ashamed." and added "To the residents of Toronto, I know I have let you down and I can't do anything else but apologize and apologize and I'm so sorry. I know I have to regain your trust and your confidence." He concluded the announcement by stating he will stay in office and will run for re-election.[7][109]
Vice magazine publishes an article claiming that Amin Massoudi, Ford's communications director, had hired a hacker to delete a copy of the crack video on a file-sharing site. Massoudi denies the claim in emails to Macleans and to Vice.[110]
The news puts Rob Ford and Toronto in the international media[111] and that evening Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Craig Ferguson and Jay Leno all mentioned him on their late night shows.[112]
The Mayor's mother and sister, Diane Ford and Kathy Ford, do an exclusive interview with CP24; Diane says that it's "not acceptable behaviour", but doesn't believe he should resign.[117] Former wrestler Brutus Beefcake shows up at City Hall to offer to be Ford's "angel of mercy" and is removed by security.[118] For the third night running, Ford was lampooned by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show; Jimmy Kimmel once again mentioned him. Dr. Drew Pinsky (Dr. Drew On Call) featured a panel discussion, personally commenting "I’m worried the guy’s going to die."[119]
In interviews with CBC's The Fifth Estate and CityNews Toronto's Avery Haines, Mohamed Farah claims he was the person who tried to broker the deal to sell the crack video and says there was more than one video. He says that he was offered cash and threatened by organized crime figures to turn over the video to them. Farah was charged with possession of the proceeds of crime and firearms offences in Project Traveller.[122]
A billboard appears along the Gardiner Expressway, in support of Ford; the City announces it will investigate an unauthorized use of its logo.[123] The billboard, which misspelled "responsibility" and used the City of Toronto logo without permission, was removed by Saturday afternoon.[124]
Ford appears at a United Way fund-raising event at City Hall, signing 1,000 bobbleheads in his likeness. After bobbleheads run out, Ford autographs t-shirts. Many of the bobbleheads are put up for auction on the Internet.[131]
Toronto Santa Claus Parade organizers send a letter to Ford's Chief of Staff, Earl Provost, asking that Ford consider returning to his original decision of not appearing in the parade, suggesting that his presence would be a distraction "from the anticipated fun and enjoyment that children will have on Parade Day." The letter was read the next day on television channel CP24 by Ron Barbaro, co-chair of the event.[132][133]
An Ipsos Reid poll is released showing that 76% of Torontonians want Ford to step down or resign. Of the 76%, 41% suggest Ford retire from politics altogether, while the remaining 35% agree with the idea that Ford should take a leave of absence before running for re-election in 2014. The remaining 24% agree with Ford staying on as mayor.[138]
Council asks Ford to take a leave of absence
At a Toronto City Council meeting, Ford admits to having purchased illegal drugs within the past two years. Thirty of the 44 Councillors entered a petition to Council asking Ford to step down.[139] An anti-Ford rally is organized outside City Hall during the meeting. The Council was considering Ford's behaviour and voted 37-5 for Ford to take a leave of absence. Council also voted for Ford to apologize for misleading council; co-operate with the Police; apologize for letter of reference for Lisi and communicate with Council instead of the media.[140][141] Ford states that "he is not a rat" but pushes for mandatory drug testing for all Councillors by December 1, paid for by himself. Chair Frances Nunziata ruled Ford's motion out of order.[142] Council proceedings were shown live in the US on CNN;[143] coverage including a Ford quote mocking his commitment to substance issues ("I said it wouldn't happen again and it has never happened again at the Air Canada Centre"), was published internationally.[144][145]
Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong, in 2012.
Ford appeared to confront Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong on the council chamber's floor, both times the Speaker stopped the debate. Councillor Maria Augimeri separates the two, and Councillor Ford held the Mayor's arm.[146]
Ford later admits to "driving after taking a drink." "I might have had some drinks and driven, that’s absolutely wrong,” he told the National Post’s Natalie Alcoba. To other reporters, Ford said “I’m not perfect. Maybe you are but I’m not. I’m sure none of you have ever had a drink and gotten behind the wheel.”[150]
Ford's remarks are made while wearing a Toronto Argonauts football jersey. The club issues a press release stating that it is "disappointed" that Ford made his remarks while wearing the jersey.[151]
Ford makes a noon-time appearance before the press with his wife Renata. He apologizes for the graphic language he used and asks that the media leave his family alone.[152] Ford also states that he is getting assistance from "health-care professionals." Councillor John Parker states that Ford was using his wife "as a convenient prop."[153]
A woman
Karen Stintz
A man
John Tory
A woman
Olivia Chow
Three of the four individuals in the election scenarios.
An Ipsos Reid poll commissioned by CTV News, CP24 and Newstalk 1010 Radio finds that 62% of Toronto voters would not vote for Ford in any circumstances. In potential municipal election scenarios against Olivia Chow, John Tory, Karen Stintz and David Soknacki, Ford would place no better than third. Ford's job approval rating among Torontonians did not change at 40%, and was higher in the former suburbs of Etobicoke and Scarborough.[154][155]
The Sun News Network cable television network announces that Rob Ford and Doug Ford will host a new Ford Nation television show, starting Monday, November 18.[156]
Ford Motor Company tells Bloomberg News reporters that they didn't authorize Mayor Ford's use of their logo in Ford Nation t-shirts.[157]
Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne announces that the Government of Ontario is ready to intervene if City Council is unanimous in requesting it, and if all three provincial parties agree. The intervention would be in the form of new powers to be used by Toronto City Council.[153]
Ford's antics were once again publicized on late night shows by Jon Stewart, David Letterman, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert and Jay Leno.[158]
City spokespeople confirm that school trips to City Hall in the next week will be redirected to the City of Toronto Archives, for safety concerns.[159][160][161][162]
Before the council meeting, Ford gives each of his staff a $5000 raise.[164]
Councillor Minnan-Wong said he was considering the concept of "asking the province to consider the mayor's seat vacant and moving up the date of the election for mayor", but noted he doubted there was an appetite.[165]
On Ford's admission of drinking and driving, Newfoundland distillery Iceberg Vodka releases a general statement describing the practice as "unacceptable and inexcusable behavior." Ford is listed in police reports as having drank the alcohol in a city park with Lisi.[166]
Exiting Deco Labels on Saturday evening, Councillor Ford sees what he believes is a Toronto Police surveillance vehicle; this incident is mentioned on Ford Nation, filmed the next day.[168]
Councillor Pam McConnell, 2011.
Judge Nordheimer denies the request by Khattack to view the 'crack' video. Nordheimer describes the two videos in the possession of the police as separate but "what is revealed in the second video relates back to the first video".[173]
After the council meeting, Ford does an interview with CBC's Peter Mansbridge, stating he's finished with drinking. "If you don't see a difference in me in five months, then I'll eat my words. I've had a come-to-Jesus moment if you want to call it that. I've let my dad down, I know he's upstairs watching this."[174]
The first episode of Ford Nation, featuring Rob and Doug Ford, debuts on Sun News Network.[175] Its first airing is seen by 155,000 viewers, with another 45,000 in a repeat Western Canada broadcast, and 65,000 video downloads. It becomes the all-time top rated program on the network. The Ford brothers state they believe they remain under police surveillance.[168]
Sun News Network cancels Ford Nation after one episode. The production took eight times the resources of a normal hour on the network. Sun News invites the Fords to appear on their other shows, given the record ratings for their program.[177]
Canadian government Employment Minister Jason Kenney calls for Ford's resignation.[178][179] The call caused Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, who considers himself 'a personal friend' of Ford, to swear at Kenney and have to be physically restrained by colleagues.[180]
Doug Ford tells Newstalk 1010 that he and his brother are readying a YouTube show, for launch around Christmas.[185] He also says that he and his brother have been approached by American production companies about appearing in their own reality TV show.[186]

December 2013

January 2014

A new video surfaces of Rob Ford, intoxicated, rambling in a restaurant in Rexdale about "counter-surveillance" and Police Chief Bill Blair. He uses a heavy Jamaican accent while doing so and appears to utter the Jamaican patois profanity bumbaclot multiple times.[197][198] Ford later admitted that he was drinking in the video.[198] Ford refused to answer a reporter's question if he was using drugs that night.[199]
Later in the day, a second video emerged which showed Ford meeting with Sandro Lisi, a friend of Ford's who has been charged with extortion in connection with the 'crack video'.[200][201] Ford's antics were lampooned by television comedian Jimmy Kimmel Tuesday night.[202]

February 2014

March 2014

April 2014

May 2014

June 2014

Fate of mayor's staff

Twenty office staff reported to Rob Ford on May 16, 2013. In the months following the report of the video, eleven staff left his office and were replaced. On November 19, eleven of the current staff were transferred to the deputy mayor's office.

See also


  1. Star Investigations (October 31, 2013). "Rob Ford video scandal: Police have the video that appears to show mayor smoking crack, Blair says". Toronto Star. Retrieved October 31, 2013.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Gillis, Charlie (June 13, 2013). "Connecting dots: Rob Ford, 15 Windsor Rd., the photo and the alleged video". Maclean's. Retrieved June 13, 2013.
  3. National Post Editorial Board (October 31, 2013). "National Post editorial board: For the good of Toronto, Rob Ford must step down". National Post.
  4. Editorial (October 31, 2013). "City Hall still needs fiscal conservatism ... but Rob Ford needs to stand down". Toronto Sun.
  5. Editorial (October 31, 2013). "Mayor Rob Ford has nowhere left to hide: Editorial". Toronto Star.
  6. 6.0 6.1 "Rob Ford : 'Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine.' | Toronto Star". Toronto Star. November 5, 2013. Retrieved November 5, 2013.
  7. 7.0 7.1 "IN HIS WORDS: Mayor's full apology about admitted crack cocaine use". CP24.com. Retrieved November 5, 2013.
  8. Rob Ford takes leave as recent drug videos emerge - The Globe and Mail
  9. GreeneStone rehab clinic confirms Rob Ford getting treatment Toronto Star]
  10. Rob Ford '100% in rehab' after turning back at U.S. border - Toronto - CBC News
  11. 11.0 11.1 McGuire, Patrick (2014-02-18). "I’m Not Convinced This Is the End of Rob Ford". VICE Canada. Retrieved 2014-05-02.
  12. 12.0 12.1 http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/rob-ford-returns-to-toronto-i-have-no-one-to-blame-but-myself-1.1892669
  13. Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Returns to Work After Rehab - NBC News
  14. Mahoney, Jill (March 20, 2014). "A second video describes filming the first". The Globe and Mail. p. A10.
  15. 15.0 15.1 "Rob Ford may have tried to buy crack video for $5,000 and a car: new police wiretaps". Canada.com. November 4, 2013.
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Poisson, Jayme; Donovan, Kevin (August 2, 2013). "Rob Ford Crack Scandal: Man Who Showed Rob Ford Crack Video Caught Up In Police Raids". Toronto Star.
  17. Doolittle, Robyn; Donovan, Kevin (May 17, 2013). "Rob Ford in 'crack cocaine' video scandal". Toronto Star.
  18. CBC Staff, with files from The Canadian Press and Steven D'Souza (May 17, 2013). "Toronto Mayor denies crack cocaine allegations". CBC News.
  19. Cook, John (May 23, 2013). "Rob Ford Crackstarter Update". Gawker.
  20. McArthur, Greg; White, Patrick; Hui, Ann (June 5, 2013). "In Etobicoke, locals find a clue to Rob Ford photo mystery". The Globe and Mail (Toronto).
  21. Keenan, Edward (June 17, 2013). "UPDATED: The emerging Ford drama, in chronological order". The Grid.
  22. "WATCH: UPDATE: Ford calls unsubstantiated allegations of drug use 'ridiculous'". CFRB 1010. May 17, 2013.
  23. The Canadian Press (May 18, 2013). "Toronto Mayor Rob Ford cancels weekly radio show". CBC News.
  24. 24.0 24.1 "Videos: watch Jon Stewart, Jimmy Kimmel and Jay Leno weigh in on the Rob Ford crack allegations". Toronto Life. May 22, 2013.
  25. Criger, Erin (May 21, 2013). "1 in hospital after Etobicoke shooting". City TV.
  26. Dale, Daniel (May 22, 2013). "Mayor Rob Ford dismissed as Don Bosco football coach". Toronto Star.
  27. "Rob Ford crack scandal: Transcript of Doug Ford’s statement". Toronto Star. May 22, 2013.
  28. 28.0 28.1 Dale, Daniel; Benzie, Robert (May 23, 2013). "Rob Ford crack scandal: Toronto Mayor’s chief of staff Mark Towhey fired". Toronto Star.
  29. "Mark Towhey Fired Because He Told Rob Ford To Get Help: Reports". Huffington Post. May 24, 2013.
  30. Hui, Ann (May 24, 2013). "Gawker stands by story despite mayor’s statement". The Globe and Mail (Toronto).
  31. Dale, Daniel; Benzie, Robert; Gillis, Wendy; Moloney, Paul (May 24, 2013). "Rob Ford crack scandal: ‘I do not use crack cocaine,’ mayor says". Toronto Star.
  32. Batra, Adrienne (May 25, 2013). "‘Who’s advising him?’ Mayor Rob Ford’s political staff unfairly criticized amid latest scandal". Toronto Sun.
  33. McDermott, Vincent (May 30, 2013). "Fort McMurray man arrested in connection with alleged Rob Ford video". Fort McMurray Today.
  34. 34.0 34.1 Dale, Daniel (May 26, 2013). "Rob Ford: ‘There’s no video,’ reporters are ‘a bunch of maggots’". Toronto Star.
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 Peat, Don (May 27, 2013). "Toronto Mayor Rob Ford apologizes for calling reporters 'maggots'". Toronto Sun.
  36. 36.0 36.1 Donkin, Karissa (June 4, 2013). "Rob Ford crack scandal: Video might be "gone"". Toronto Star.
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  40. Peat, Don (May 28, 2013). "Mayor Rob Ford's aide sought out alleged crack video". Toronto Sun.
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 Kupferman, Steve (May 31, 2013). "Two More of Mayor Rob Ford’s Staffers Depart". Torontoist.
  42. O'Toole, Megan (May 30, 2013). "Rob Ford drama takes a surreal turn in the unit where drug dealers may have stashed alleged crack video". National Post.
  43. 43.0 43.1 Rider, David (May 31, 2013). "Mayor Rob Ford suffers a sixth resignation from his staff". Toronto Star.
  44. Fox, Chris (May 31, 2013). "Suspect in King Street homicide remanded into custody". CP24.
  45. Visser, Josh (May 31, 2013). "Who is ‘Slurpy’? Social media hunts mysterious Rob Ford lookalike who turned down phoney crack video". National Post.
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  53. Star staff (June 13, 2013). "Massive police raid launched in Toronto". Toronto Star.
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  63. O'Toole, Megan (June 26, 2013). "Meet Neil, better known as Slurpy, the Rob Ford lookalike at centre of scrapped plot to film fake crack video". National Post.
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  75. Poisson, Jayme (August 7, 2013). "Rob Ford crack scandal: Man who tried to sell video appears in court". Toronto Star.
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External links