Time and fate deities

Time and fate deities are personifications of time, often in the sense of human lifetime and human fate, in polytheistic religions. In monotheism, Time can still be personified, as in Father Time in European folklore, or Zurvan in Persian (Zoroastrian) tradition. In the book of Ecclesiastes in the Hebrew Bible, the terms עדן `iddan "time" vs. זמן zĕman "season" express a contrast similar to that of Greek Chronos vs. Kairos.

Ancient Near East

Ancient Egyptian religion: Hemsut · Huh

Assyro-Babylonian religion: Ashima · Ishtar · Mamitu · Mammetun · Manah · Manu the Great · Meni

Classical Antiquity

Ancient Greek religion:

The Fates: MoiraiAtropos · Clotho · Lachesis

Ananke · Geras · Horae · Kairos · Khronos · Tyche · Moros

Ancient Roman religion:

The Fates: ParcaeDecima · Morta · Nona

Camenae: Antevorta/Porrima · Carmenta · Egeria · Postverta
Aeternitas · Anna Perenna · Caerus · Chronos · Fortuna · Vertumnus


EtruscanNortia · Tinia
NorseNorns (Urðr · Verðandi · Skuld)

Day: (Dagr · Skinfaxi) · Night: (Nótt · Hrímfaxi) · Seasons: (Sumarr and Vetr) · Old age: Elli

BalticDalia · Laima · Lauma
Polish — Sudz
Romanian — Fates: Ursitoare
Other European — Matres and Matrones · Father Time · Beten



See also