Three Departments and Six Ministries

The Three Departments and Six Ministries system (Chinese: 三省六部; pinyin: Sānshěng Liùbù) was the main central administrative structure adopted in China during its imperial period. While its separate departments first took shape during the Han dynasty, it emerged in a more complete form during the Sui dynasty, and was adopted in some form by all Chinese dynasties since.

Emperor (Chinese: 皇帝; pinyin: Huang Di)
Chancellery (Chinese: 門下省; pinyin: Menxia Sheng)
Department of State Affairs (Chinese: 尚書省; pinyin: Shangshu Sheng)
Secretariat (Chinese: 中書省; pinyin: Zhongshu Sheng)
Ministry of Personnel (Chinese: 吏部; pinyin: Lì Bù)
Ministry of Revenue (simplified Chinese: 户部; traditional Chinese: 戶部; pinyin: Hù Bù)
Ministry of Rites (simplified Chinese: 礼部; traditional Chinese: 禮部; pinyin: Lĭ Bù)
Ministry of Defense (Chinese: 兵部; pinyin: Bīng Bù)
Ministry of Justice (Chinese: 刑部; pinyin: Xíng Bù)
Ministry of Works (Chinese: 工部; pinyin: Gōng Bù)


The Three Departments or Sheng () were the top-level offices of the administration. They were the Secretariat (中書省; Zhongshu Sheng), the Chancellery (門下省; Menxia Sheng), and the Department of State Affairs (尚書省; Shangshu Sheng).

Under this system, the Department of State Affairs, which controlled the six ministries, was the highest executive institution of the imperial government. The Secretariat was the main policy-formulating agency that was responsible for proposing and drafting all imperial decrees. The main function of the Chancellery was to advise the emperor and the Secretariat, and to review edicts and commands. The head of the Secretariat or the Department of State Affairs was generally referred to as the Chancellor, next only to the emperor in rank and power.

The Six Ministries, also traditionally translated as "Boards", were direct administrative organs of the state, and each was headed by a Minister (尚書) who was assisted by two Vice Ministers (侍郎):

Beneath each ministry were many bureaus (Sī, 司), bodies responsible for grass roots administration.


Before the institution of the Three Departments and Six Ministries, the central administrative structure of the Qin and Han dynasties was the Three Lords and Nine Ministers (Chinese: 三公九卿; pinyin: Sangong Jiuqing) system. Nonetheless, even then, offices which fulfilled the same functions as the later three departments were already in existence.

The office of State Affairs was first devised during the Qin dynasty, originally in an archival role. During the reign of Emperor Wu of Han, the Secretariat's office was also instituted, as a channel of communications between the emperor's advisors and the government as a whole. By the Eastern Han dynasty (AD 25 - 220), an office of advisors and reviewers had also been set up.

By the time of Cao Wei, the first emperor Cao Pi, in order to prevail agaisnt the powerful Office of State Affairs, made use of this base of advisors to officially institute the Secretariat. This was the first office known as the 'Secretariat' to fulfil functions similar to its later form, drafting imperial edicts.[6]

The office of the Chancellery, as a review mechanism, was first instituted during the Jin dynasty and carried on throughout the Northern and Southern Dynasties, where it often became the most powerful office in the central government.

See also


  1. Hucker, 32.
  2. Hucker, 33.
  3. Hucker, 3335.
  4. Hucker, 35.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Hucker, 36.
  6. Lu, 235.
