Thomas Thiemeyer

Thomas Thiemeyer

Thomas Thiemeyer (born 1963) is a German illustrator and writer.

He studied art and geology in Cologne. His first children's book was published in 1989 by the Ravensburger publishing house, where Thiemeyer already worked as graphic advisor. 2 years later he became freelance artist. As freelance artist, he illustrates games, children's books, book covers and much more. Among others he has worked for Heyne, Arena, Fantasy Productions, Beltz & Gelberg, HarperCollins, Random House and Wizards of the Coast. In recent time he co-operated with the American director Darren Aronofsky. His work was distinguished several times with Kurd Laßwitz prize and the German Fantasy prize.

In 2004 his debut novel "Medusa" was published by Droemer Knaur and was an international success. Many others followed, some of them became best-sellers. His works were translated into numerous languages: Spanish, Dutch, Czech, Polish, Russian, Korean, Italian, Turkish, Chinese, Portuguese as well as Slovenian.

His stories stand in the tradition of classic adventure novels, and do often deal with the discovery of ancient cultures and the threat by mysterious powers.

Thomas Thiemeyer lives in Stuttgart with his wife and two sons.


Researcher Hannah Peter makes a strange discovery: a Medusa sculpture, with snakelike extremities and a cyclops eye, indicates that there is a cave deep in the mountains, where a fantastically beautiful and incredibly dangerous object is located. A team from the National Geographic Society is assigned to search for this treasure. Along with Chris, the climatologist of the group, Hannah discovers the origin and at the same time the end of an age-old culture.

The young geneticist David Astbury is asked by the mother of his old youth friend Emily for his help, her daughter has disappeared while on an expedition in the Congo. She was there to hunt the legendary monster Mokèlé-mbèmbé, the sole survivor of the age of dinosaurs. Thus David prepares to go into the depths of the jungle of the Congo. He is accompanied by one native biologist and two large game hunters. When they seek out the ancient reptile at the Lake Tele, the events begin to unfold. The reptile holds a genetic secret, which could forever change the way of life on Earth.

Seismologist Dr. Ella Jordan gets the news that strange signals are being received in the middle of the Pacific, and they’re much too regular to be caused by anything in nature. They’re coming from the Mariana Trench, which is 10,000 meters deep. Ella drops everything to join a team of researchers heading over there in the most advanced submarine in the world. Along with a Japanese crew, an attractive U.S. Marine officer, and a somewhat shady Swiss professor, Konrad Martin, Ella dives to the deepest spot on Earth and barely escapes disaster: They find a gigantic, perfectly round stone that reacts to their probing with a deadly heat ray. What hardly anyone knows is that hidden away in the mountains of Switzerland is an underground lab where scientists are working on a similar, though smaller ball of stone, found decades earlier next to the corpse of a geologist. Suddenly new signals are detected: first from the North Pole, then Russia, Australia, and the Antarctic. Ella and Konrad Martin find these same inexplicable stone shapes everywhere. When the stones’ signals start to be sent in unison, the resulting seismic waves are so strong that they cause earthquakes and volcanoes, and that’s just the beginning. A countdown to disaster begins, Ella recognizes the terrible truth. The threat does not come from this world.

Around the Brocken in the Harz Mountains towns and hotels are preparing for the Walpurgis night. Archaeologist Hannah Peters is on the way there. Her job is to explore the mysterious Sky Disc of Nebra, a spectacular Bronze Age find from the area. What she doesn't know: the disc is the object of desire of a dark cult, that lurkes in the caves of the Harz mountains waiting for a long time to celebrate an all-destructive ritual. Hannah is drawn depper and deeper into the force of the cult - and soon strange celestial phenomena announce a Walpurgis Night, which will never end.

Gorilla researcher Amy Walker has nightmares ever since a member of her team has mysteriously disappeared. Ironically, an ex-con is to strengthen the team. Nobody - accept the gorillas - is trusting him As the team despite threatening solar activity and strange weather phenomena travels to the East African Ruwenzori mountains to locate the missing persons, an adventure starts that takes Amy to her limits of her mind.



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