Thomas Luttrell

Sir Thomas Luttrell (born before 1490 – died 1554 ) was a leading Anglo-Irish nobleman in the sixteenth-century Irish Pale. He was also a distinguished lawyer and judge who held the offices of Solicitor General for Ireland and Chief Justice of the Irish Common Pleas.


He was born in Dublin, the eldest son of Richard Luttrell of Luttrellstown Castle, the head of a prominent Anglo-Irish family, originally from Lincolnshire, and his wife Margaret FitzLyons. His exact date of birth is not recorded but it must have been well before 1490, since his first marriage took place in 1506.[1]

Little is known of his early years. He was involved in litigation over an inheritance in 1527; he was presumably by then a barrister of some years standing since he became King's Serjeant and Solicitor General in 1532. He was spoken of as a possible judge of the Court of Common Pleas (Ireland) in 1533, and next year became Chief Justice of that Court, holding office until his death 20 years later.[2]

In government

He was an active member of the Privy Council of Ireland, accompanying Sir William Skeffington, the Lord Deputy of Ireland on a mission to negotiate with the O'Tooles; Luttrell was of great assistance on this mission since, perhaps surprisingly (given his attitude to Gaelic culture) he spoke fluent Irish.[3]He took charge of the defence of Dublin in the Lord Deputy's absence and was praised for his diligence in that regard. He sat on a commission into the acquisition by the Crown of monastic lands in 1541, and himself received several grants, notably the lands of St. Mary's Abbey at Clonsilla. He was knighted in 1540.

When Henry VIII set up a commission, headed by Sir Anthony St. Leger in 1537, on the governance of Ireland, Luttrell submitted a detailed memorandum on the subject. He urged the imposition of the English language and modes of dress on the inhabitants of the Pale, the expulsion of Irish musicians, the discouraging of English settlers from returning home, the danger of trusting Irish soldiers, the need to subdue the neighbouring Gaelic clans, the desirability of the Lord Deputy being English, and the necessity of his serving a lengthy term. He argued that the inhabitants of the Pale were overtaxed, and he recommended the printing of the Irish Statutes.[4]

Death and memorial

Luttrell was in London at the time of Mary I's accession[5] but returned to Dublin and died there the following year. He was a wealthy man, due partly to his acquisition of monastic lands: his will refers to numerous objects of gold and silver, and in 1538 he was able to present Thomas Cromwell with a goshawk, which was always a very rare bird in Ireland, and therefore much prized. Though he outwardly conformed to the Church of Ireland, on his deathbed he requested prayers for the salvation of his soul, and was suspected of remaining a Roman Catholic at heart.[6] He was buried by his own direction "with honesty but no pomp" in Clonsilla Church, and left a bequest for the building of a mortuary chapel there. On a more worldly note he directed that open house be kept for guests at Luttrellstown Castle.


Elrington Ball sums up Luttrell as "a typical gentleman of the English Pale of his time". Although his family had been settled in Ireland for centuries, and he had constant contact with the Old Irish families round him since his youth, and even spoke fluent Irish, he identified wholly with the interests of England: Ireland outside the Pale was to him a foreign country. His most attractive quality was the hospitality for which he was famous.[7]


Luttrell married firstly, apparently while he was still in his teens, Anne Aylmer, daughter of Bartholomew Aylmer, and sister of his future colleague Sir Gerald Aylmer. His second wife was Elizabeth Bathe, daughter and co-heiress of Sir William Bathe of Rathfeigh, County Meath. By his two marriages he had at least nine children-


  1. Ball, F. Elrington History of the County Dublin Volume IV Alexander Thom Dublin 1907
  2. Ball F. Elrington The Judges in Ireland 1221–1921 John Murray London 1926
  3. Ball History of the County Dublin
  4. Ball History of the County Dublin
  5. Ball The Judges in Ireland
  6. Lennon, Colm Sixteenth-century Ireland- the Incomplete Conquest Gill and Macmillan 1994 p.313
  7. History of the County Dublin