Thomas Lemieux

Thomas Lemieux is a Canadian economist. He is a professor at the University of British Columbia.


Lemieux was born in Quebec City, Quebec.[1] He received his B.A. in Economics from Université Laval in 1984 and his M.A. in Economics from Queen's University the following year. In 1989, he received his Ph.D. from Princeton University. After receiving his Ph.D, he taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology until 1992. In 1992, he was named an assistant professor at the Université de Montréal. In 1999, Lemieux accepted a faculty position at the University of British Columbia. He has been an associate editor at several economics journals, such as the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Labour Economics, Journal of the European Economic Association, Review of Economics and Statistics, and American Economic Review.[2]

A good portion of his research centers around the topic of income inequality. Lemieux also studies econometric methods to analyze the income distribution. He is a fellow at the Royal Society of Canada and the Society of Labor Economists.[1] At the University of British Columbia, Lemieux directs the Team for Advanced Research on Globalization, Education, and Technology. Lemieux has published 40 journal articles and two books on labor economics.[3]

Selected bibliography


Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2012.

Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2007.

University of Calgary Press for Industry Canada, 2005.

Guy Lacroix, and Claude Montmarquette), Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval, 1996

Journal articles

Green, Kevin Milligan, and W. Craig Riddell) Canadian Public Policy 38(2), June 2012, 121-45.

Parent) American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings) 102(3), May 2012, 526-31.

“Regression Discontinuity Designs in Economics” (with David S. Lee), Journal of Economic Literature 48(2), June 2010, 281-355.

Boudarbat and Craig Riddell), Canadian Public Policy 36(1), March 2010, 63-89.

77(3), May 2009, 953-973

Journal of Economics 124(1), February 2009, 1-49

Économique 84(3), September 2008, 1-23.

Econometrics 142(2), February 2008, 807-828.

Milligan), Journal of Econometrics 142(2), February 2008, 615-635.

2008, 21-48.

Canada” (with David Green), Empirical Economics 32(2-3), May 2007, 465-489.

Skill?”, American Economic Review 96(3), June 2006, 461-98.

(Papers and Proceedings) 96(2), May 2006, 195-199.

Lawrence Katz, and Daniel Parent), Journal of Labor Economics 23, (October 2005) 681-724

Research, Fall 2004, v. 25, iss. 4, pp. 519-62. (symposium on “What Do Unions Do – A Retrospective After Two Decades”)

(4), November 2002, 646-88.

Regulation," (with John DiNardo), Journal of Health Economics 20, November 2001, pp. 991- 1010.

David Card) American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 91, May 2001, pp. 97-102.

Analysis" (with David Card), Quarterly Journal of Economics 116, May 2001, pp. 705-46.

Economics 34, May 2001, pp. 313-344.

MacLeod), Journal of Public Economics 78, October 2000, 139-70.

Parent), Canadian Public Policy 26, July 2000, S59-S83.

Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 90, May 2000, 456-460.

States, Canada, and France" (with David Card and Francis Kramarz), Canadian Journal of Economics 32, August 1999, pp. 843-877

Analysis"(with Paul Beaudry), Canadian Business Economics 7, May 1999, pp. 57-70

Journal of Human Resources 33, Summer 1998, pp. 610-643.

Advantage and Non-Random Selection," Journal of Labor Economics 16, April 1998, pp. 261- 291.

Difference?" (with John DiNardo) Industrial and Labor Relations Review 50, July 1997, pp. 629-651.

de travail"(french version of "The Estimation of Occupational Choices when Wages Depend on Hours of Work"), Actualité Économique 73, March-June-September 1997, pp. 99-126.

of Economic Perspective, Spring 1997, pp. 75-96.

Relations Research Association 49th Annual Proceedings, 1997, pp. 98-105.

Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 74, No. 2, October 1996, pp. 319-361.

John DiNardo and Nicole Fortin), Econometrica 64, September 1996, pp. 1001-1044.

Paul Beaudry) french version of "Unemployment in the 1980s: Learning from International Comparisons," Actualité Économique 72, September 1996, pp. 291-304.

Industrial Relations Research Association 48th Annual Proceedings, 1996, pp. 28-36.

(with David Card) American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 84, May 1994, pp. 29- 33.

Fréchette) American Economic Review 84, March 1994. pp. 231-254.

Foreign Competition in Canada," (with J. Abowd) Quarterly Journal of Economics 108, November 1993, pp. 983-1014.


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Thomas Lemieux: Professor and School Director". University of British Columbia. Retrieved 23 April 2015.
  2. "Thomas Lemieux" (PDF). Institute for the Study of Labor. October 2014. Retrieved 23 April 2015.
  3. "External Research Fellow: Thomas Lemieux". Center for Research and Analysis of Migration. Retrieved 23 April 2015.