Thomas Jessell

Thomas Michael Jessell (born 2 August 1951 in London) is a professor of biochemistry and molecular biophysics at Columbia University in New York City.

He is known for his work on chemical signals that play a role when nerve cells assemble to form neuronal circuits. In 1994 Jessell was awarded the NAS Award for Scientific Reviewing from the National Academy of Sciences.[1] He was a co-recipient, with Pasko Rakic and Sten Grillner, of the inaugural Kavli Prize for Neuroscience in 2008. [2] Jessell is also a co-editor, with Eric R. Kandel and James Schwartz, of the well-known textbook Principles of Neural Science.

He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1996.[3]


  1. "NAS Award for Scientific Reviewing". National Academy of Sciences. Retrieved 27 February 2011.
  2. "Columbia Professors to Receive Kavli Prizes". Columbia News: Office of Communication and Public Affairs. Retrieved 27 February 2011.
  3. "Fellowship of the Royal Society : Current Fellows". Royal Society. Retrieved 28 July 2013.

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