Thomas Bray (archbishop of Cashel)

Styles of
Thomas Bray
Reference style The Most Reverend
Spoken style Your Grace
Religious style Archbishop

Thomas Bray D.D. (5 March 1759 – 15 December 1820) was an Irish Roman Catholic prelate who served as the Archbishop of Cashel from 1792 to 1820. Dr Bray was ordained to the priesthood on the 22nd May 1774 at Paris.


He was author of the following privately printed work: Statuta Synodalia pro unitis Diœcesibus Cassel. et Imelac. lecta, approbata, edita, et promulgata in Synodo Diœcesana; cui interfuit clerus utriusque Diœoeceseos, habita prima hebdomada mensis Septembris, anno M.DCCC.X., 2 vols., Dublin, 1813. This book contains a papal bull against freemasonry; a decree of the Council of Trent against duels, with an explanation of it in English to be given by each priest to his flock; and short memoirs of the archbishops of Cashel and the bishops of Emly. The second volume bears the following title: Regulations, Instructions, Exhortations, and Prayers, &c., &c., in English and Irish: with the manner of absolving heretics, in Latin and English: for the united dioceses of Cashel and Emly.
