Thirring–Wess model

Not to be confused with Thirring model.

The Thirring–Wess model or Vector Meson model is an exactly solvable quantum field theory describing the interaction of a Dirac field with a vector field in dimension two.


The Lagrangian density is made of three terms:

the free vector field  A^\mu is described by

{(F^{\mu\nu})^2 \over 4}
+{\mu^2\over 2} (A^\mu)^2

for  F^{\mu\nu}= \partial^\mu A^\nu - \partial^\nu A^\mu and the boson mass \mu must be strictly positive; the free fermion field  \psi is described by


where the fermion mass m can be positive or zero. And the interaction term is


Although not required to define the massive vector field, there can be also a gauge-fixing term

{\alpha\over 2} (\partial^\mu A^\mu)^2

for  \alpha \ge 0

There is a remarkable difference between the case  \alpha > 0 and the case  \alpha = 0 : the latter requires a field renormalization to absorb divergences of the two point correlation.


This model was introduced by Thirring and Wess as a version of the Schwinger model with a vector mass term in the Lagrangian .

When the fermion is massless ( m= 0 ), the model is exactly solvable. One solution was found, for  \alpha =1 , by Thirring and Wess [1] using a method introduced by Johnson for the Thirring model; and, for  \alpha = 0 , two different solutions were given by Brown[2] and Sommerfield.[3] Subsequently Hagen [4] showed (for  \alpha = 0 , but it turns out to be true for  \alpha \ge 0 ) that there is a one parameter family of solutions.


  1. Thirring, W; Wess J (1964). "Solution of a field theoretical model in one space one time dimensions". Annals Phys. 27: 331–337.
  2. Brown, L (1963). "Gauge invariance and Mass in a Two-Dimensional Model". N.Cimento. 29.
  3. Sommerfield, C (1964). Annals Phys. 26. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  4. Hagen, C (1967). "Current definition and mass renormalization in a Model Field Theory". N. Cimento A 51.

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