Thierry Morand

Thierry Morand
Born Thierry Jean-Louis Morand
May 24, 1960
Paris, France
Nationality French
Occupation CEO of GOPURA asia
Years active 1982 - today

Thierry Morand (born May 24, 1960), is a French expert in Containment engineering field and an experienced entrepreneur.
He is world-renowned for having designed and realized unique laboratories and controlled atmosphere areas for more than 30 year, in France and abroad, including 4 Biosafety level 4 laboratories (BSL4).
Thierry Morand is also a major actor of his chosen field, by participating in the improvement of equipment and construction standards, encouraging the innovation, and disseminating his knowledge.

Early life and education

Thierry Morand was born on May 24, 1960 in Paris.



His history with Containment engineering field goes back to his first professional experience in 1982. Right after the completion of his 2 years military service he was offered the possibility to work as project engineer in a design and project management company specialized in HVAC engineering. In that organization he was brought to design and monitor unique projects such as Professor Montagnier's biosafety laboratory in which was later isolated the HIV. Thierry Morand quickly developed a passion for Containment engineering and decided 4 years later to play a full role in that field; His passion and his ambition were such, that he created and managed companies directly linked to this field afterwards: Climascience (1987), Clima plus (1990), Mastair (1997), Certi-i (2001), Neyftis (2007).

The French reference

Clima plus is Thierry Morand’s greatest achievement in France by now. This company which designs and manages laboratories projects since 1990, is now a global reference for having achieved pioneering projects (including 119 BSL3 laboratories and 4 BSL4 laboratories):

The Asian challenge

By the nature of his business, Thierry Morand traveled all over Asia. He developed from his first Asian trips a passion for the region and the certainty that he had a role to play there. For that reason he decided to embark on a new challenge by offering his services in Asia through a new company: Gopura Asia. This company, whose name can be translated from Sanskrit language in “path to purity”, designs and manage projects of laboratories and controlled atmosphere areas in the service of Health and Research sectors. It offers a range of services throughout Asia and mainly Design and Project Management of: Biosafety Level laboratories, Animal houses, Hospitals, production and research centers for Biology, Chemistry and Microelectronics.


Thierry Morand is committed in his chosen field as:


  1. "Jean Mérieux BSL-4 Laboratory"
  2. "Ebola virus : Inserm’s P4 laboratory mobilised"
  3. "China Inaugurates the first biocontainment level 4 laboratory in Wuhan"