Theileria microti

Theileria microti
Scientific classification
Domain: Eukaryota
(unranked): Alveolata
Phylum: Apicomplexa
Class: Aconoidasida
Order: Haemosporida
(unranked): Piroplasmida
Family: Theileriidae
Genus: Theileria
Species: Theileria microti
  • Babesia microti
Life cycle of T. microti, including human infection

Theileria microti is a parasitic blood-borne piroplasm transmitted by deer ticks. It was previously in the taxonomic genus Babesia, as Babesia microti, until ribosomal RNA comparisons placed it in the sister genus Theileria.[1][2] T. microti is responsible for the disease human theileriosis, similar to babesiosis, a malaria-like disease which also causes fever and hemolysis.

Within the medical community, as of 2012, this parasitic agent is still classified as Babesia microti.[3]


The genome of Babesia microti has been sequenced. The sequence shows that this species does not belong to the either of the established genera - Babesia and Theleria - but instead belongs to a separate genus.[4]

The mitochondrial genome is linear.[4]

Life cycle

An important difference from malaria is that T. microti does not infect liver cells. Additionally, the piroplasm is spread by tick bites (Ixodes scapularis, the same tick that spreads Lyme disease), while the malaria protozoans are spread via mosquito. Finally, under the microscope, the merozoite form of the T. microti lifecycle in red blood cells forms a cross-shaped structure, often referred to as a "Maltese cross", whereas malaria forms more of a diamond ring structure in red blood cells.[5]


In May 2010, it was reported that a vaccine to protect cattle against East Coast fever had been approved and registered by the governments of Kenya, Malawi and Tanzania.[6]

A vaccine to protect humans has yet to be approved.


  1. UILENBERG,G. & GOFF,W.L. (2006). "Polyphasic Taxonomy". Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1081: 495. doi:10.1196/annals.1373.073. PMID 17135557.
  2. Uilenberg, G (May 2006). "Babesia--a historical overview". Veterinary Parasitology 138 (1–2): 3–10. doi:10.1016/j.vetpar.2006.01.035. PMID 16513280.
  3. Vannier, Edouard; Krause, Peter J. (21 June 2012). "Human Babesiosis". New England Journal of Medicine 366 (25): 2397–2407. doi:10.1056/NEJMra1202018. PMID 22716978.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Cornillot, E.; Hadj-Kaddour, K.; Dassouli, A.; Noel, B.; Ranwez, V.; Vacherie, B.; Augagneur, Y.; Bres, V.; Duclos, A.; Randazzo, S.; Carcy, B.; Debierre-Grockiego, F.; Delbecq, S.; Moubri-Menage, K.; Shams-Eldin, H.; Usmani-Brown, S.; Bringaud, F.; Wincker, P.; Vivares, C. P.; Schwarz, R. T.; Schetters, T. P.; Krause, P. J.; Gorenflot, A.; Berry, V.; Barbe, V.; Ben Mamoun, C. (2012). "Sequencing of the smallest Apicomplexan genome from the human pathogen Babesia microti". Nucleic Acids Research 40 (18): 9102–14. doi:10.1093/nar/gks700. PMC 3467087. PMID 22833609.
  5. Goldberg, Stephen (2007). Clinical Microbiology made Ridiculously Simple (4th ed.). Medmaster. ISBN 978-0-940780-21-7.
  6. Florin-Christensen, Monica; Suarez, Carlos E.; Rodriguez, Anabel E.; Flores, Daniela A.; Schnittger, Leonhard (October 2014). "Vaccines against bovine babesiosis: where we are now and possible roads ahead". PARASITOLOGY 141 (12): 1563-1592. doi:10.1017/S0031182014000961.

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