The Woman in White (1966 TV series)
The Woman in White is a British drama television series which originally aired on BBC 1 in six 25 minute long episodes between 2 October and 6 November 1966.[1] It was adapted from the 1859 novel The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins.
Main cast
- Alethea Charlton as Marian Halcombe
- Jennifer Hilary as Laura Fairlie
- Louis Mansi as Professor Pesca
- Nicholas Pennell as Walter Hartright
- John Barron as Sir Percival Glyde
- Geoffrey Bayldon as Mr. Fairlie
- Francis de Wolff as Count Fosco
- Alan Collins as Louis
- Daphne Heard as Madame Fosco
- Anne Dyson as Mrs. Michelson
- David Langford] as Matthews
- Katherine Parr as Mrs Catherick
- Elsie Wagstaff as Mrs. Clements
External links