The Whoppers

The Whoppers
Agency Crispin, Porter + Bogusky
Client Burger King
  • Whopper
  • Chick'n Crisp
  • Value menu
Release date(s) 2007-2008

The Whoppers is an advertising program created to promote international fast food restaurant chain Burger King's signature product, the Whopper. Created by the Miami-based advertising firm Crispin Porter + Bogusky (abbreviated to CP+B), the ads feature a fictional family in which all male characters are played by actors wearing Whopper costumes.




The commercials are designed in 15-, 30 and 60-second formats and usually feature Whopper and his son Jr. in an average parent-teen situation. All versions are used to promote products on the Burger King value menu.

The ads often feature familiar or risqué comments rephrased for a humorous effect, e.g. "Get your head out of your ass" becomes "get your head out of your bun," where "buns" being American English slang for buttocks.


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