The Veiled Leopard

The Veiled Leopard
Album cover
Big Finish Productions audio drama
Series Doctor Who
Release number Doctor Who Magazine special (issue 367)
Featuring Peri
Writer Iain McLaughlin and
Claire Bartlett
Director Gary Russell
Producer(s) Gary Russell
Jason Haigh-Ellery
Production code DWM07
Set between Uncertain for Hex and Ace, contemporaneous with
The Gathering for Peri and Erimem
Length 58 mins
Release date March 2006

The Veiled Leopard is a Big Finish Productions audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who.


In 1966 Monte Carlo, two teams of companions from two different Doctors are in attendance at the same party. One has been sent to steal the Veiled Leopard diamond, and another to prevent its theft…



  1. Also included on the CD are previews of Time Works, Three's a Crowd, Pier Pressure, Night Thoughts; the Sarah Jane Smith audios Buried Secrets, Snow Blind, and Fatal Consequences; the Cyberman series, and the UNIT series of audio adventures.
  2. The placement of this story is unclear as Big Finish did not provide a running production code as in their regular releases. However, Erimem's long hair indicates that it has been some time after she joined the TARDIS crew, as does the easy banter between her and Peri. The same familiarity is present in Ace and Hex's conversations. In The Gathering, the Doctor says that he has left Peri and Erimem in Monte Carlo, setting the two stories contemporaneously for them.

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