The Telegram (Herkimer)

The Telegram
Type Daily newspaper
Format Broadsheet
Owner(s) GateHouse Media
Publisher Beth A. Brewer
Editor Todd Dewan
Founded 1898, as The Evening Telegram[1]
Headquarters 111 Green Street,
Herkimer, New York 13350, United States
OCLC number 11233532

The Telegram is an American daily newspaper published in Herkimer, New York. It is owned by GateHouse Media and was previously known as The Evening Telegram.

In addition to the village of Herkimer, The Telegram covers several communities in Herkimer County, including the villages of Frankfort, Ilion and Mohawk.

The Times, a daily newspaper serving the city of Little Falls in Herkimer County, is also published at The Telegram '​s Herkimer offices. The two papers also share a publisher and an editor.

The Telegram and The Times are two of the three newspapers GateHouse owns in the Mohawk Valley of Upstate New York. The other is the Utica-Rome metropolitan area's leading newspaper, the Observer-Dispatch of Utica.


  1. "About The Evening Telegram". Chronicling America. Library of Congress. Retrieved May 23, 2012.

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