The Seven Who Were Hanged

The Seven That Were Hanged

An English-language edition of The Seven That Were Hanged
Author Leonid Andreyev
Country Russian Empire
Language Russian
Genre Psychological horror
Publication date
Media type Print (Hardback and Paperback)

The Seven That Were Hanged (Russian: Рассказ о семи повешенных) is a 1908 short story by Russian author Leonid Andreyev. The novel was adapted for film in 1920. Herman Bernstein translated the novel from Russian to English.


The Seven Who Were Hanged depicts the fates of five leftist revolutionaries foiled in their attack and two common peasants who have received death sentences. These condemned men are awaiting their executions by hanging. In prison, each of the prisoners deals with his fate in his own way.

The seven prisoners

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