The Red Book (film)

The Red Book (1994) was created by renowned experimental filmmaker and theater/installation artist Janie Geiser. Her work is known for its ambiguity, explorations of memory and emotional states and exceptional design.

Geiser describes The Red Book as “an elliptical, pictographic animated film that uses flat, painted figures and collage elements in both two- and three-dimensional settings to explore the realms of memory, language and identity from the point of view of a woman amnesiac.” [1]

In 2009, it was named to the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress for being “culturally, historically or aesthetically” significant and will be preserved for all time.[2]


  2. "Michael Jackson, the Muppets and Early Cinema Tapped for Preservation in 2009 Library of Congress National Film Registry". Library of Congress. December 30, 2009. Retrieved 31 December 2009.