The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History

The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History
Author Thomas E. Woods
Country United States
Language English
Series The Politically Incorrect Guide
Publisher Regnery Publishing
Publication date
December 2004
Media type Hardback & Paperback
ISBN 978-0895260475

The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History is a non-fiction book covering various issues in U.S. history by Thomas E. Woods, published in December 2004. This book was the first in the Politically Incorrect Guide series published by Regnery Publishing, who view the series as covering topics without consideration for political correctness.[1] The book was a top seller on, reaching No. 2, and was present on The New York Times best-seller list for many weeks.[2]

Background and contents

The book challenges modern notions of American history; the author argues, among other viewpoints, that America's founding fathers were conservatives, the War on Poverty made poverty worse and that hundreds of American liberals had ties to the Soviet Union during the McCarthy Era. It also contests the cost-effectiveness of government projects, especially the Transcontinental Railroad.

Reviews and further discussions

Council on Foreign Relations senior fellow Max Boot published a critique of the book in The Weekly Standard on February 2005. Boot labeled Woods' views as a 'Bizarro world' given Woods' support for nullification and the right of secession as well as his opposition to U.S. participation in World War I and II. Boot also criticized Woods for what he saw as ignoring African-Americans' struggle for civil rights and ignoring the fact that Clinton's intervention in the Balkans stopped a potential genocide.[3]

Woods has hosted an eight-lecture seminar covering the material in his book to the Auburn University's Academy for Lifelong Learners, a project hosted by the Ludwig von Mises Institute.[4]

Paul Craig Roberts, former assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury, praised the "highly readable" book. He referred to it as an "important work that refutes the misinterpretations of American history that have misinformed generations about their country, its origins, purposes, successes, and failures." Ron Paul, M.D., a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives, stated about the book,

"Knowing our past is essential if we are to preserve our freedoms. Professor Woods's work heroically rescues real history from the politically correct memory hole. Every American should read this book."[5]


  1. "Anti-PC series takes on history, Islam, feminism - Striving to be 'incorrect'". The Washington Times. July 20, 2006.
  2. New York Times "Bestseller List" (Paperback non-fiction), 9 January 2005
  3. "Incorrect History". By Max Boot. The Weekly Standard. Published February 15, 2005. Accessed August 22, 2009.
  4. "The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History: Lecture Series". Mises Institute.