The Political Quarterly

The Political Quarterly  
Discipline Politics
Edited by Tony Wright and Michael Jacobs
Publication details
Publication history
1930 to present
Frequency Quarterly
ISSN 0032-3179

The Political Quarterly is a British political journal founded in 1930 by Leonard Woolf, the husband of Virginia Woolf. It is broadly centre-left in outlook, but has published articles by a wide range of political thinkers including William Beveridge, Samuel Brittan, Ernest Gellner, Richard Hoggart, John Maynard Keynes, Arthur Koestler, Harold Laski, Benito Mussolini, Bertrand Russell, Leon Trotsky and Raymond Williams.[1][2] The first issue stated that:

"The function of The Political Quarterly will be to discuss social and political questions from a progressive point of view. It will act as a clearing-house of ideas and a medium of constructive thought. It will not be tied to any party and will publish contributions from persons of various political affiliations. It will be a journal of opinion, not of propaganda. But it has been planned by a group of writers who hold certain general political ideas in common and it will not be a mere collection of unrelated articles..."[1]

The current editors are Tony Wright MP and Michael Jacobs. Former editors include Leonard Woolf, Andrew Gamble, Kingsley Martin, Sir Bernard Crick, and David Marquand. The journal is currently published by Wiley-Blackwell and it is one of the sponsors of the prestigious annual Orwell Prize for political writing. According to the 2008 Journal Citation Reports its impact factor is 0.233.


  1. 1.0 1.1 "75 years of The Political Quarterly now available online". HNet Online. 2005-09-27. Retrieved 2008-04-25.
  2. "The Political Quarterly: List of issues". Blackwell Synergy. Retrieved 2008-04-26.

External links