The Phoenix Project: Shifting from Oil to Hydrogen

The Phoenix Project: Shifting from Oil to Hydrogen
Author Harry W. Braun
Subject Hydrogen power
Published December 1, 2000
Publisher Sustainable Partners Inc
Pages 384
ISBN 978-0970250209

The Phoenix Project: Shifting from Oil To Hydrogen is a 360-page book authored by Harry Braun that provides a plan for the USA to shift from oil and other fossil and nuclear fuels to wind powered hydrogen production systems by 2020. From a technology perspective, wind machines are no more difficult to manufacture than automobiles, which is why they could have been mass-produced for large-scale hydrogen production in the 1920s. Making hydrogen from the wind and water is the "silver bullet" that can make the USA energy independent of all fossil and nuclear fuels. Indeed, it is the only energy option that is pollution-free, carbon-free and can displace all fossil and nuclear fuels worldwide forever because it is completely renewable. Every green plant on the earth is a solar hydrogen machine that extracts hydrogen from water (H20) with the energy of the sun. Rather than waiting for fuel cells or hybrid vehicles, the Phoenix Project advocates simply modifying every existing vehicle (and power plant) to use hydrogen.