The Missing (novel series)

The Missing is a series of fictional young-adult novels written by Margaret Peterson Haddix. It tells the story of famous children from history stolen by futuristic time travelers from their place in time and accidentally sent to the twenty-first century as babies. They are then adopted by families in the twenty-first century. Because Jonah is one of the stolen children, he, along with his non-adopted sister Katherine, must help return the missing kids to their rightful places in history and fix time before it is destroyed. The first book in the series, Found, was published on April 22, 2008. The series continued with book titles Sent, Sabotaged, Torn, Caught and Risked (originally intended to be titled Kept). The seventh book Revealed, was released on September 2, 2014. According to Haddix, the series will consist of eight books. The title for the last book will be Redeemed. There were also two ebook short stories, Sought, which takes place before Risked, and Rescued, which takes place between Risked and Revealed.



Found <span class="Z3988" title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Abook&rft.genre=book&rft.btitle=Found&[1]&rft.pages=314+%28Paperback+Edition%29&rft.series=The+Missing+%28novel+series%29&rft_id=info:oclcnum/156891904[1]">
Author Margaret Peterson Haddix
Cover artist Cliff Nielsen
Country UK
Language English
Series The Missing (novel series)
Genre Young adult Science fiction novel
Publisher New York : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, ©2008[1]
Publication date
22 April 2008
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Pages 314 (Paperback Edition)
ISBN 0-545-11645-7
OCLC [1] 156891904[1]
Followed by Sent

Thirteen-year-old Jonah had always known that he was adopted and had never thought much of it until he began receiving strange letters sent to his house. When Jonah's friend Chip also learns that he is adopted, Jonah, Chip and Jonah's sister Katherine come to realize that Jonah and Chip are important missing children from history who were transported to the twenty-first century by baby smuggling time travelers, whose names are Gary and Hodge. Later, they are unknowingly lured into a cave, known as a time hollow, with all but one of the other 36 missing children in an attempt by the smugglers to take them to future. After they have defeated the smugglers, another time traveler from the future known to them as JB (Janitor Boy) decides to send Chip and another boy, Alex, back to the 1480s, where they were originally taken from. While trying to stop him, Jonah and Katherine are accidentally taken along for the trip as well, leaving it up to them to save their friends and return to the twenty first century. This sets the plot and the title for the following book in the series, "Sent".

Found was released on April 22, 2008.



First edition cover
Author Margaret Peterson Haddix
Country United States
Language English
Series The Missing
Genre Historical fiction Young adult Science fiction novel
Publisher New York : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, ©2008
Publication date
25 August 2009
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Pages 313
Preceded by Found
Followed by Sabotaged

In this book, Jonah, Katherine, Chip, and Chip's real brother, Alex, have one warning of disaster before they are sent back to 1400s to the Tower of London, with the promise that they can return to their home in the twenty-first century if they can repair history. They quickly discover that Chip and Alex's true identities are Edward V (king of England) and Richard of Shrewsbury, Duke of York. But before Chip can enjoy being the King of England, they discover that they are virtually prisoners—and that the boys' uncle, King Richard III, wants them dead. Jonah and Katherine must repair time and save Chip and Alex from their certain deaths before it is even possible that they can return home.

Sent was released on August 25, 2009.[2]


Author Margaret Peterson Haddix
Country United States
Language English
Series The Missing
Genre Young adult Science fiction novel
Publisher New York : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, ©2008
Publication date
24 August 2010
Media type Print (Hardback)
Preceded by Sent
Followed by Torn

In this third volume of the series, Jonah and Katherine return Andrea, identified as the missing child Virginia Dare, to 1600, her correct time period from where she was kidnapped. During their time journey, the device used for their time travel, called an Elucidator, is lost, causing the children arrive not certain as to where or when they are. They eventually piece together clues to find that their attempt to fix time by sending Andrea back is being thwarted by a man who calls himself Second. Along the way they save the life of Andrea's 16th-century grandfather, John White and meet two of the other missing children, Brendan and Antonio, who were mysteriously sent back to their original time by Second. While on Croatan Island, Andrea changes time itself and is reunited with her grandfather. Second appears and Jonah and Katherine are saved by JB, only to be hurled into another time.

Sabotaged was released on August 24, 2010.[3]


Author Margaret Peterson Haddix
Country United States
Language English
Series The Missing (novel series)
Genre Young adult Science fiction novel
Publication date
23 August 2011
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Preceded by Sabotaged
Followed by Caught

Jonah and Katherine land on the decks of Henry Hudson's ship, called the Discovery, moments before a mutiny in the early 1600s. JB reveals that John Hudson, one of the kids stolen from history and Henry Hudson's son, is missing completely, and Jonah will have to play his part. Jonah and Katherine must survive being on the 17th century boat, with unlikely help from two of the sailors. When they find out that Second has disguised himself as Hudson's first mate and has murdered one of them, Jonah and Katherine escape the boat after a docking and manage to get into the Damaged Time of 1605. They save their friends Brendan, Antonio, Andrea and John White when Jonah rescues everyone from the fire of 1605. It then turns out that Second sent John Hudson to 1605. John Hudson, called Dalton Sullivan in the twenty-first century, was already in 1605, living in England. JB then concludes that Second unraveled time from 1605 to 1611, made his own new, alternate universe and is sealing it off completely from others. JB then sends everyone to the 21st century, where they can live in peace, for a while.

Torn was released on August 23, 2011.


Author Margaret Peterson Haddix
Country United States
Language English
Series The Missing (novel series)
Genre Young adult Science fiction novel
Publication date
3 September 2012
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Preceded by Torn
Followed by Risked

Jonah and Katherine are in school when time freezes. Jonah and Katherine are transported to Albert Einstein's time, where they must help to save his illegitimate daughter Lieserl, who is known as Emily in the twenty-first century, and keep Einstein from discovering time travel instead of the theory of relativity, which would ruin history. Jonah and Katherine follow Mileva, Einstein's wife, in order to put Emily in her correct time, 1903. When they get to Mileva's parents' house, they discover that Lieserl is just a baby and is close to death from scarlet fever. However, during Jonah and Katherine's followings, Mileva discovers them, steals their eludicator, and communicates with them, causing a huge disturbance in time. They are all sent, along with Emily, to a place outside of time, called a time hollow. Mileva freezes everyone there using the Elucidator and then watches her whole life, part of her daughter Emily's life, and learns English to understand how time travel worked. Then she unfreezes only Jonah and allows him to come with her and save time. Jonah lets Mileva keep the Elucidator when she returns to her time, which allows her to send her demented son, Tete Einstein, to the future as a baby, where he grows up to become JB.

Caught was released on September 3, 2012.[4]


Author Margaret Peterson Haddix
Country United States
Language English
Series The Missing (novel series)
Genre Young adult Science fiction novel
Publication date
4 September 2013
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Preceded by Caught
Followed by Revealed

It's a paradox: When Jonah and Katherine find themselves on a mission to return Alexei and Anastasia Romanov to history and then save them from the Russian Revolution, they are at a loss. Because in their own time, the bones of Alexei and Anastasia have been positively identified through DNA testing. What hope do they have of saving Alexis and Anastasia's lives when the twenty-first century has proof of their deaths?

The book was released on September 4, 2013.[5]


Author Margaret Peterson Haddix
Country United States
Language English
Series The Missing (novel series)
Genre Young adult Science fiction novel
Publication date
2 September 2014
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Preceded by Risked
Followed by Redeemed

Charles Lindbergh appears in the Skidmore's home, grabs Katherine, and vanishes again. Jonah finds out that Chip, Andrea, and all the other children from the plane have disappeared as well. Jonah’s parents and all the other adults in his town have "un-aged" into children, particularly teenagers. Jonah is the only normal person left (if he is considered normal), and must save everyone with the help of un-aged JB and Angela. In collecting clues, they discover that Gary and Hodge have a terrible plot which could mean the end of everything Jonah has ever cared about.

Staying true to its name, Jonah's real identity as a missing child is "revealed" in this book. Also, one particular action he makes during his trips through time doesn't affect time itself, but affects the remainder of his life.

Revealed was released on September 2, 2014.[6]


The eighth and final book in this series, Redeemed, will be released on September 8, 2015. The currently released summary is:

After traveling through history multiple times and finding out his original identity, Jonah thought he’d fixed everything. But some of his actions left unexpected consequences. His parents—and many other adults—are still stuck as teenagers. And now Jonah has a new sibling, an identical twin brother named Jordan.

As odd as all this is for Jonah, it’s beyond confusing for Jordan. How does everyone in his family have memories of Jonah when he doesn’t? How can his annoying kid sister Katherine speak so expertly about time travel—and have people from the future treating her with respect? A few rash moves by Jordan send them all into the future—and into danger. What if he’s also the only one who can get them back to safety, once and for all?





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
  3. Haddix, Margaret Peterson (2010). Sabotaged. Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers. p. 361.

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