The Mauritius Scout Association

The Mauritius Scout Association
Country Mauritius
Founded 1971
Membership 2,782
Chief Scout Cyril Rose
Chief Commissioner Danielo Ramsamy
Executive Director Sutdeo Gobin
Affiliation World Organization of the Scout Movement

The Mauritius Scout Association is the national Scouting organisation of Mauritius. Scouting in Mauritius started in 1912; the association was founded in 1971 and became a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) in 1971. The coeducational association has 2,782 members (as of 2011).[1]


Scouting in Mauritius started in 1912 with a group of friends forming a Scout patrol. The developing Scout troops formed the Mauritian Branch of The UK Scout Association. This branch consisted of different sub-associations, separated by faiths.

Upon the independence of Mauritius, two reports were launched to ensure the development of Scouting in Mauritius. In 1971, the Mauritian Branch of The Scout Association (UK) became The Mauritius Scout Association. It was admitted to WOSM in the same year.


The aim of the Mauritius Scout Association is "to encourage the physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual development of young people so that they may take a constructive place in society". Self-reliance, service and adventure and Scoutcraft are major features of the program. Proficiency badges are divided into four categories, interest, pursuit, service and instructor.

Most Scout groups are sponsored by religious bodies, schools, colleges, and others institutions. All Scouts help during religious processions, regardless of creed, and carry sick people at the Fête Annuelle des Malades (Annual Festival of the Ill).

Community services including helping to evacuate flooded areas during cyclones, assisting in refugee centers, cleaning roads and repairing houses. Scouts are also involved in a variety of community development projects.


The association is divided in four sections:

Scout Law, Promise and Motto

As most Mauritians speak French, the French versions of Scout Law, Promise and Motto are more frequently used than the English ones. Both versions are part of the association's constitution.

The Scout Motto is Toujours Prêts or Be Prepared.

Scout Promise

Scout Law

See also


  1. "Triennal review: Census as at 1 December 2010". World Organization of the Scout Movement. Retrieved 2011-01-13.

Further reading

External links