The Mad Dash

The Mad Dash is a television game show created by Sidney M. Cohen which first appeared in 1978 on Canada's CTV network and ran until 1985. The series proved to be a family favourite based on Canada's BBM ratings, and was also popular in parts of the northern United States, where CTV affiliates were available to Americans living near the Canadian border, both over the air and via cable. Pierre Lalonde was the MC, and Nick Holenreich was the announcer for the show, which was taped at the studios of CFCF-TV in Montreal.[1] This classic series is included in the collection of Canadian icons in the 2006 feature film Souvenir of Canada based on the book by Douglas Coupland.

The series currently reruns on GameTV in Canada.


Two pairs of contestants competed in a life-sized board game. One member of each pair elected to be the "dasher" who would actually run the life-sized game board, while the "roller" remained at the host's podium. The board was a single winding path segmented into spaces which were marked to indicate the effect of landing on that space. The two dashers began the game at the "start" square of the board with the goal being to reach the "win" space at the other end of the path.

To move them along the board path, a multiple-choice question was asked of the rollers, and the first to buzz in and answer correctly was given a roll of an oversized six-sided die. Five of the die's faces had standard pips from 1–5, indicating the number of spaces for the dasher to move; the "6" side instead had a "$" symbol, which would add $10 to the team's bank any time it was rolled, and allow another roll. Rolling the "$" three times in a row would add a $50 bonus.

The team whose dasher reached "win" first won any cash or prizes banked during the game. Teams would have to roll the exact number required to land on "win"; a roll higher than the distance to win required the dasher to continue backwards after reaching "win". If the winning team had not banked any prizes, they were given a roll of the die multiplied by $10, or $100 for rolling the "$". Any money was awarded in cash directly after each win. Winning teams returned to play another game, continuing until they were defeated or won 10 consecutive games, whichever came first. Teams were also allowed to play another game after their first loss.


Spaces on the board were of various types. Spaces with blue borders banked the prize indicated on the space; if a team landed on a prize they had already banked, they were given an additional roll. Green spaces banked an indicated money amount (or one square which doubled the team's banked money). At one point, the remaining squares were either red or yellow and had an effect on the game itself: Red spaces typically had a negative effect, such as moving backwards, or losing cash or prizes. Yellow spaces were everything else; typically squares which could result in moving forward. The spaces had effect any time they were landed on, whether the dasher was moving forwards or backwards. Some spaces on the board remained constant, while others changed from game to game. In other episodes, additional colours were used for these spaces.

Common spaces

Mini Dash

If there was too little time to play an additional game at the end of an episode, one or more audience members would be called up, one at a time, to play a Mini Dash. Each played for a different prize, and was offered a choice of five envelopes containing questions; a player would have to answer two of three correctly to win the prize. In at least some episodes, two of the five envelopes contained an instant-win and an instant-loss respectively.

Other versions

The Mad Dash has also been produced internationally. The most successful new version was produced for Polish television (Duety do Mety, literally translated to "Duos to finish line") in 2002.

See also


  1. Canadian Network Takes A Mad Dash With Classic Game Show - The Special - In Your Face Media and Culture

External links