The Greenback Era

The Greenback Era
Author Irwin Unger
Country U.S.
Genre Non-fiction
Publisher ACLS History E-Book Project and Princeton University Press
Pages 467
ISBN ISBN 978-1597401685

The Greenback Era is a book by Irwin Unger. It won the Pulitzer Prize for History in 1965.The Book is about the American Finance in the post civil war period between 1865-1879 and the social and political elements involved in it.[1][1][2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Irwin Unger (1968). The Greenback Era: A Social and Political History of American Finance, 1865-1879. Princeton University Press. p. 303. ISBN 978-1-59740-168-5.
  2. "1965 Winners". Retrieved 27 December 2013.