The Green Alliance

The Green Alliance is a national network of Green Party political clubs in the United States, which are local membership organizations for Green activists. It was co-founded by Walt Contreras Sheasby (now deceased) and Howie Hawkins. It is a membership organization and requires payment of an annual fee to maintain good standing in the organization.

The goals of the Green Alliance are:

  1. building rank-and-file democracy and power in the Green Party so that it lives up to its principle of grassroots democracy
  2. educating and acting for a radical social, ecological, and economic democracy in place of capitalism's exploitation and ecological destruction.

The Officers of the Green Alliance Co-ordinating Committee, elected on June 25, 2004, to serve until the next annual Congress of the Green Alliance, are:

Green Alliance locals exist in:


The controversial failure of the Greens/Green Party USA (G/GPUSA) to endorse the Boston Proposal at its annual Congress in 2001 in Carbondale Green Party Congress in 2001, in combination with subsequent events, and the decision of the Association of State Green Parties (ASGP) to endorse the Boston Proposal and follow through with the commitments made in it, ultimately led a large number of G/GPUSA members to leave the organization. Many of them later came together to found The Green Alliance out of a desire to bring grassroots "movement" politics into the Green Party of the United States (the successor organization to the ASGP) which they saw as being overly focused on "electoral" politics, and also relatively conservative.

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