The Forgiveness Project

The Forgiveness Project
Founded 2004
Type International organization
Registration no. Charity No. 1103922
Key people
Marina Cantacuzino (founder)
Mission To open up a dialogue about forgiveness and promote understanding through awareness, education and transformation.

The Forgiveness Project[1] is a UK-based charity that uses real stories of victims and perpetrators of crime and violence to help people explore ideas around forgiveness and alternatives to revenge. With no political or religious affiliations, The Forgiveness Project’s independent and inclusive approach ensures its core message – that everyone has the potential to change their perspective and break the cycle of vengeance – resonates across all cultures.[2]


The charity’s goals are centred around:


The charity was founded in 2004 by Marina Cantacuzino,[3] a journalist who in the build up to the Iraq War began to gather personal stories from people whose lives had been affected by violence and terrorism but who had learned to forgive and move on.[4]

Marina spent all of 2003 collecting stories of reconciliation and forgiveness for an exhibition of words and images which she created with the photographer Brian Moody. These stories subsequently formed the basis of The Forgiveness Project’s The F Word exhibition.[5]

Concept of rehabilitative storytelling

Central to The Forgiveness Project’s work is the sharing of personal accounts about people’s transformative journeys. Having collected over 130 personal stories on their website,[6] this is also done through its exhibition, The F Word, and via the award-winning programmes it runs within prisons, schools, community groups and companies.

In providing tools that can facilitate conflict resolution and reconciliation, The Forgiveness Project encourages behavioural change and impacts positively on people’s lives, whatever their story.

These story-led initiatives operate at a local, national and international level and encourage individuals to reflect on their current perspective and their future life path. Rather than give advice or tell people what to think, The Forgiveness Project works by inviting those involved to see whether they can relate to the stories they hear and to take steps in trying to see a different perspective on their circumstances.

Projects and programmes

The F Word exhibition

This collection of thought-provoking narratives document personal tales of forgiveness and reconciliation around the world. The exhibition can be hired in a range of formats and regularly tours Germany, the UK and the USA. There are also permanent exhibitions in France, Kenya, South Africa and Sweden.

The F Word[7] exhibition has been displayed in more than 500 venues across 13 countries[8] to an audience of over 60,000 people since being launched in London’s Oxo Gallery in January 2004. The exhibition was described by the charity's founding patron, Anita Roddick Anita Roddick,[9] as “truly an education of the human spirit”.[10]

The Forgiveness Project: Stories for a Vengeful Age (book)

An updated collection of some of the charity's stories which examine the charity's core themes of forgiveness, reconciliation and conflict transformation have been brought together into an illustrated 240-page book. Released in hardback by Jessica Kingsley Publishers[11] on 26 March 2015, the book was written by founder Marina Cantacuzino and includes forewords from patron Desmond Tutu and Alexander McCall Smith. It has also been received endorsements from actress Emma Thompson, journalist and news presenter Jon Snow, historian and TV presenter Dan Snow, cultural thinker and founding faculty member of The School of Life in London, Roman Krznaric, Cambridge University professor Simon Baron-Cohen, humanitarian and former hostage Terry Waite and journalist Bel Mooney.[12]

Speaker’s Bureau

The charity believes that hearing someone speak first-hand and being able to ask questions is the most powerful form of story-telling so over 30 of those who share their stories with The Forgiveness Project are also part of the charity’s Speaker’s Bureau. This facility allows schools, prisons, conferences and organisations hiring the F Word exhibition to have one of the featured storytellers on hand to share their experience of forgiveness.

Annual lecture

In addition to regular talks, The Forgiveness Project has also hosted four annual lectures to date.

RESTORE programme

RESTORE is the charity’s intensive, group-based victim empathy programme for offenders that encourages the sharing of experiences within a framework influenced by Restorative Justice principles. The Forgiveness Project has delivered over 160 programmes in custodial and non-custodial settings in England and Wales since 2007.

Co-facilitated by trained victims of crime and ex-offenders, the workshop leaders use their personal testimonies to encourage prisoners to take responsibility for their actions and change how they think and feel about their offending behaviour.

Link between RESTORE and restorative justice

Whilst Restorative Justice (RJ) traditionally focuses on bringing a victim and offender into communication, this process can be stalled if both parties aren’t at the same life stage. The Forgiveness Project’s approach is to help offenders unravel their own stories and develop empathy by understanding the impact their actions have on others. This enables them to start the restorative process without being entirely dependent on their victim’s willingness or availability to participate.

In many cases, having encouraged behavioural change, the programme may result in the offender having the confidence, motivation and support to meet their victims as part of future RJ conferencing. RESTORE assists in victims’ recovery by enabling them to play a role in the criminal justice system.


Awards and commendations

Over the years The Forgiveness Project’s work within the prison and probation services and RESTORE’s use of real stories to help motivate offenders to change has won it widespread recognition, including:

The charity’s founder and director, Marina Cantacuzino, also received a 2013 Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Travelling Fellowship which enabled her to spend five weeks visiting and learning[16] from other restorative justice programmes in custodial and community settings in the USA and Canada.[17]

Research and evaluation

Independent evaluation was commissioned on the work of RESTORE within prisons and the impact that it has had on young offenders and adult prisoners who had participated in the programme.

Patrons and supporters

Since Dame Anita Roddick first lent her support in advance of the inaugural The F Word exhibition in 2004, The Forgiveness Project has attracted endorsements and ongoing support from a number of high-profile organisations and individuals.

The charity’s patrons include Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Rt Hon the Lord Woolf, philanthropist Lady Edwina Grosvenor, actress Emma Thompson and comedienne Shappi Khorsandi whilst supporters include Tony Benn, clothes designer Katharine Hamnett, actors Dame Helen Mirren and Linus Roache plus Terry Waite.

The Forgiveness Project is also a peace partner of the Charter for Compassion.[22]

External links


  2. "Could you forgive the unforgivable; The Guardian". 25 June 2006.
  3. "Marina Cantacuzino; The Huffington Post".
  4. "The Forgiveness Project; Prisoners’ Education Trust".
  5. "Marina Cantacuzino – The Forgiveness Project; Universal Peace Federation".
  6. "The Forgiveness Project - Stories".
  7. "The f Word; Faith Initiative". Faith Initiative. Autumn 2005.
  8. "Marina Cantacuzino and ‘the F word’: images of forgiveness; The Brave Discussion".
  9. "DISPATCH: The F Word Exhibition Hits America".
  10. "TFP: The Forgiveness Project; Soul Circle".
  11. "JKP - The Forgiveness Project: Stories for a Vengeful Age".
  12. "Amazon - The Forgiveness Project: Stories for a Vengeful Age".
  13. "Longford Prize Winners". 23 November 2007.
  14. "Manx and Welsh restorative schemes win prisoner rehabilitation award; Prison Reform Trust". 4 February 2014.
  15. "Manx prisoner rehabilitation scheme wins national award; BBC". 4 February 2014.
  16. "Can restorative justice reduce reoffending; Winston Churchill Trust" (PDF). 13 January 2014.
  17. "Winston Churchill Memorial Trust - apply now for a prison and penal reform fellowship; Prison Reform Trust".
  18. "The Forgiveness Project - Activity Report; University of Winnipeg" (PDF). July 2009.
  19. "Evaluation of The Forgiveness Project RESTORE Prison Programme; Middlesex University" (PDF). 2012.
  20. "Evaluation of The Forgiveness Project within prisons; Middlesex University Research Repository". 2012.
  21. "Embedding RESTORE into the fabric of YOI Ashfield; Christina Straub MA" (PDF). 2013.
  22. "Peace Partner - peace starts here; Charter for Compassion". January 2014.