The EMET Prize for Art, Science and Culture

EMET Prize
Awarded for For excellence in academic and professional achievements in Science, Art and Culture in Israel
Country Israel
Presented by A.M.N. Foundation
First awarded 2002
Official website

The Emet Prize for Art, Science and Culture is an Israeli prize awarded annually for excellence in academic and professional achievements that have far reaching influence and significant contribution to society.[1] Prizes are awarded in the following categories: The Exact Sciences, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities & Judaism, Art and Culture.

The prizes, in a total amount of one million dollars, are sponsored by the A.M.N. Foundation for the Advancement of Science, Art and Culture in Israel, under the auspices of and in cooperation with the Prime Minister of Israel. It is awarded to Israeli citizens, and in certain circumstances to non-citizens that reside in Israel and consider Israel as their permanent home.

The EMET Prize is administered by the Award Committee, composed of representatives appointed by the Prime Minister[2] and the A.M.N. Foundation. Currently, the Chairman of the Award Committee is retired Supreme Court Justice Jacob Kedmi.

EMET Prize Laureates


Award Category Award Topic Winner(s)
Exact Sciences Computer Science Professor Shimon Ullman
Life Sciences Biotechnology Professor David Wallach
Social Sciences Law Professor Itzhak Zamir and Professor Ariel Porat
Humanities Archaeology Professor Naama Goren-Inbar and Professor Yoram Tsafir
Culture and Arts Architecture Architect Shlomo Aronson and Architect Yaakov Yaar
Honoree of Emet Prize Professor Michael Sela


Award Category Award Topic Winner(s)
Exact Sciences Physics Professor Moty (Mordehai) Heiblum
Life Sciences Genetic Professor Ben-Zion Shilo and Professor Giora Simchen and Professor Gideon Rechavi
Social Sciences Political Science Professor Shlomo Avineri
Humanities Jewish Languages Professor David M. Bunis
Culture and Arts Painting and Sculpture Professor Zvi Goldstein (Painting), Professor Nahum Tevet Sculpture)


Award Category Award Topic Winner(s)
Exact Sciences Chemistry Professor Raphael Mechoulam and Professor Abraham Nitzan
Life Sciences Physiology Professor Adi Kimchi and Professor Marshall Devor
Social Sciences Economics Professor Menahem Yaari
Humanities Linguistics Professor Ruth A. Berman and Professor Moshe Bar-Asher
Culture and Arts Acting Mrs. Lia Koening-Stolper


Award Category Award Topic Winner(s)
Exact Sciences Mathematics Professor Saharan Shelah and Professor Noga Alon
Social Sciences Psychology Professor Dan Zakay and Professor Gershon Ben-Shakhar
Humanities Jewish Law Professor Eliav Shochetman and Professor Berachyahu Lifshitz
Culture and Arts Photography Miki Kratsman and Professor Hanan Laskin


Award Category Award Topic Winner(s)
Exact Sciences Computer Science Professor Sarit Kraus and Professor David Harel
Life Sciences Brain Research Professor Moussa B.H. Youdim and Professor Baruch Minke
Social Sciences Journalism Carmela Menashe
Humanities Ancient Middle East and African Studies Professor Itamar Singer (Ancient Middle East Studies) and Professor David Shulman (African Studies)
Culture and Arts Poetry and Literature Sh. Shifra


Award Category Award Topic Winner(s)
Exact Sciences Physics Professor Harry (Zvi) Lipkin
Life Sciences Cancer Research Professor Chaim Cedar and Professor Aharon Razin
Humanities Talmudic Studies and Jewish Philosophy Professor Menahem Kahana (Talmud), Professor Zev Harvey (Jewish Philosophy)
Culture and Arts Choreography and Dance Yair Vardi and Ohad Naharin


Award Category Award Topic Winner(s)
Exact Sciences Chemistry Professor Joshua Jortner and Professor Itamar Willner
Life Sciences Genetics Professor Bathsheva Kerem and Professor Yoram Groner
Social Sciences Education Professor Moshe Dov Caspi and Professor Rachel Elboim-Dror
Humanities Middle Eastern Studies Professor Etan Kohlberg and Professor Sasson Somekh
Culture and Arts Music Professor Yizhak Sadai and Yoni Rechter


Award Category Award Topic Winner(s)
Exact Sciences Computer Science and Mathematics Professor Micha Sharir (Computer Sience), Professor Vitali Milman and Professor Shmuel Agmon (Mathematics)
Life Sciences Biochemistry and Microbiology Professor Yosef Yarden (Biochemistry), Professor Eliora Ron (Microbiology)
Social Sciences Law and Criminology Professor Aharon Barak (Law), Professor Shlomo Giora Shoham (Criminology)
Humanities Philosophy and History Professor Avishai Margalit (Philosophy), Professor Myriam Yardeni (History)
Culture and Arts Literature Sami Michael and David Grossman


Award Category Award Topic Winner(s)
Exact Sciences Physics and Earth Science Professor Yakir Aharonov and Professor Yoseph Imry (Physics) and Professor Zvi Garfunkel (Earth Science)
Life Sciences Medicine and Biology Professor Peretz Lavie (Medicine), Professor Ada Yonath and Professor Eli Keshet (Biology)
Social Sciences Economy and Management Science Professor Haim Levy and Professor Ariel Rubinstein
Humanities Talmudic Studies and Jewish Philosophy Professor Yaakov Sussmann (Talmud), Professor Yehuda Liebe (Jewish Philosophy)
Culture and Arts Architecture and Design Zvi Narkis (Design) and Nitza Metzger Szmuk (Architecture)


Award Category Award Topic Winner(s)
Exact Sciences Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Professor Meir Wilchek (Chemistry) and Professor Zeev Tadmor (Chemical Engineering)
Life Sciences Cancer Research and Biology Professor Yosef Shiloh (Cancer Research), Professor Zvi Selinger (Biology)
Social Sciences Archaeology and Sociology Professor Amos Kloner and Professor Ephraim Stern (Archaeology), Professor S.N. Eisenstadt (Sociology)
Humanities Literary Research and Religion Research Professor R.I. Zwi Werblowsky (Religion) Professor Benjamin Harshav (Literature)
Culture and Arts Director and Acting (Theater) Michael Gurevich (Director) and Orna Porat (Acting)


Award Category Award Topic Winner(s)
Exact Sciences Computer Science and Mathematics Professor Michael O. Rabin (Computer Science), Professor Fustenberg (Mathematics)
Life Sciences Biotechnology and Brain Research Professor Michel Revel (Biotechnology), Professor Moshe Abeles (Brain Research)
Social Sciences Psychology and Education Professor Mario Mikulincer (Psychology), Professor Zvi Lamm and Professor Haim Harari (Education)
Humanities History and Jewish History and Biblical Research Professor Meir Benayahu (History) and Professor Emanuel Tov (Biblical Research)
Culture and Arts Painting and Sculpture Yaakov Dorchin and Yair Garbuz


Award Category Award Topic Winner(s)
Exact Sciences Physics Professor Igal Talmi and Professor Yuval Ne’eman
Life Sciences Agriculture and Biology Professor Varda Rotter (Biology), Professor Moshe Oren (Biology), and Professor Ilan Chet (Agriculture)
Social Sciences Law Professor Ruth Gavison
Humanities History Professor Michael Confino and Professor Moshe Jammer
Culture and Arts Classical Music and Dance Rina Schenfeld (Dance) and Professor Noam Sheriff (Music)


Award Category Award Topic Winner(s)
Exact Sciences Chemistry Professor Dan Shechtman and Professor Raphael Levine
Life Sciences Medicine and Genetics Professor Avram Hershko and Professor Aaron Ciechanover and Professor Leo Sachs
Social Sciences Economy Professor Elhanan Helpman and Professor Israel Aumann
Humanities Talmudic Studies and Jewish Philosophy Professor Israel Moshe Ta-Shma (Talmudic Studies)
Culture and Arts Literature S. Yizhar (Izhar Smilansky)


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