The Davros Mission

The Davros Mission
Big Finish Productions audio drama
Series Doctor Who
Featuring Davros
Writer Nicholas Briggs
Director Nicholas Briggs
Production code 6ZA
Set between Revelation of the Daleks and
The Curse of Davros
Length 1 hr 23 mins
Release date November 2007

The Davros Mission is a Doctor Who audio play written and directed by Nicholas Briggs exclusive to the Complete Davros Collection DVD box set released on 26 November 2007. It is set between the Sixth Doctor audio play The Juggernauts and the Seventh Doctor television story Remembrance of the Daleks. It was recorded on 15 August 2007. The music and sound design were composed by David Darlington.


After his capture on Necros, Davros is destined to face the justice of the Daleks. He sits alone, isolated in his cell. His creations will no longer listen to him. But out of the darkness comes a voice... Davros is no longer alone in his torment. Before he faces trial on the planet Skaro, he must go through an ordeal that will force him to the very limits of his sanity. But where do his true loyalties lie? How will he face the future?



Cast notes

See also

Television serials featuring Davros:

Audio stories featuring Davros:

External links