The Counterfeit Constable
The Counterfeit Constable is a 1964 French comedy film directed by Robert Dhéry and Pierre Tchernia and starring Ronald Fraser, Diana Dors and Arthur Mullard.[1] Its French title is Allez France!. A French rugby supporter in England for a match at Twickenham is knocked out and loses two teeth. It goes to the dentist and during waiting it wears a uniform of another patient, a police officer. He saves by chance Diana Dors a nextdoor movie star . He is congratulated by his chiefs who take him for true police officer. Many misunderstandings follow after. He becomes lost in London. Not speaking a word of English, he needs to return home to France urgently as he is due to be married.
Main cast
- Pierre Tornade – Un français dans le bus
- Pierre Doris – Un français dans le bus
- Raymond Bussières – Un français dans le bus
- Jean Richard – Un français dans le bus
- Catherine Sola – Nicole
- Robert Dhéry - Henri Martineau
- Mark Lester - Gérald
- Ronald Fraser - Sergent Timothy Reagan
- Diana Dors - Herself
- Colette Brosset - Lady Yvette Brisburn 'Vévette'
- Arthur Mullard - Le malfaiteur
- Percy Herbert - L'agent Baxter
- Amy Dalby - Mrs. Throttle
- Bernard Cribbins - Bob, l'agent 202
- Robert Burnier - Le supporter tarbais
- Richard Vernon - Lord Brisburn
- Robert Rollis - Le supporter avec le bonnet tricolore
- Henri Génès - Gros Max
- Jean Lefebvre - Le supporter saoul avec le coq
- Jean Carmet - Le porte drapeau
- Robert Destain - Le supporter cinéaste
- Colin Blakely - L'aveugle
- Godfrey Quigley - Inspecteur Savory
- Georgina Cookson - L'assistante du dentiste
- Colin Gordon - Le dentiste W. Martin